Last night I took a much needed 'girls-night-out' and saw "Baby Mama". About 15 min. into the movie, at 7:45 PM, something started to pull at my hair. It felt like static electricity. I put my hand over my head, and there was an energy that squeezed at my finger tips. It was a spirit guide-someone was thinking of me.
I leaned over and had my friend feel over my head. She giggled and said she could feel it! 'Who is it from??" She asked. My best guess was Nevin, my oldest. It was just a little past bedtime.
When I came home at 9:30 PM, I asked my husband, Brian, if Nevin asked for me at bedtime. Brian said, "He did. And he kept asking. He even insisted that he heard a noise, and that it must be Mommy coming home. It was around 7:45pm"
He was missing me and sent an angel to tell me so.
I pulled the 'birth' card last night. I thought,'What could possibly be new tomorrow?'
Well, Brian woke up at 5am and went running. He hasn't done this in YEARS. It helps his mood and energy, substantially.
I took my computer to my office for the first time, and committed to working there, for 3 hours. It was great. One of my clients surprised me with a plant to adopt. It was the same kind as another one I had there. I had the perfect window, waiting for it. It completes my workspace. What a wonderful sign that I'm supposed to be there, writing.
I feel blessed today.
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