Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Such change!

This has been quite a summer! Last week, I officially retired from nearly 15 years of massage therapy. In addition, I retired from hosting Reiki sharings. 2 massage/Reiki practitioners are replacing me, and a gifted Angel Helper graduate of mine (an advanced intuitive training class that I offer), will be hosting the Reiki sharings from now on. At first, I felt a bunch of anxiety from this. It was a stressful month. But now, I am elated! Delegating is not something that comes easily to this controlling Scorpio; but it's the progressive path that I'm ready to take. The support I've received has surprised me. When I asked a good friend of mine what she thought people would think of all of my changes, she responded, "They have been coming to the clinic for awhile now, and have seen how it has grown. They have been expecting this, Lisa." I felt such a relief when she said that!

My new office has 2 sunny windows, and flowers to gaze upon, during my day. Each day I am there is long, but enjoyable. It seems that my life is a mountain of details, events, and more details. This month alone, we brought on 7 new people! That's 50% more than we had. There is an undercurrent of excitement and optimism. And to my surprise, several new clients have responded to the $30/hour massages. I had hoped for business, but not like this. I am allowing and breathing in each moment, in each day. The perspective that I have is that making room in my life for the clinic will allow it to grow. After all, the universe hates space (T. Harv Eker), so it fills it up. This leap of faith is just that. Trust and faith; and it's already happening.

Someone at the clinic told me this week that by making this choice, I was actually helping everyone else at the clinic grow. And that is the plan. To focus on united growth. It feels good to be in a work environment where everyone is positive, grateful, and flourishing while doing the job that they love.

So there you have it. For those of you that didn't know exactly why I was doing this, I hope you now understand.

My immediate future goals include teaching new intuitive classes, and possibly couple's massage.

Have a great night!


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