It's been too long. And I promise, it's not from lack of content. There is a
marvelous change coming into my life (No, I'm not having a baby!), but I can't share too much about it until after the 1st of the year. I
can tell you that for
weeks, both Brian and I have seen 11, 111, 11:11, 11111, etc. etc... It's been nearly overwhelming!
So many times I've looked at clocks, license plates, street addresses, and even insurance quotes, only to see these numbers. I believe it all means that new beginnings are on their way, into my life.
The other day, on the way to my son's school, Nevin told me he had a dream about a fox. I told him that 'fox' meant camouflage, in the Animal Medicine Cards book. Nevin said, 'That means to blend in.' (He's so smart) I said, 'Yes, that's right! It also means 'Fake it until you make it'. ' I've personally had 'fox' medicine in my life when I am about to mingle with affluent crowds, buy a home, or apply for a new work position. I always find confidence within myself, with Fox Medicine in mind. I'm still not sure what his dream meant to him. Perhaps he was thinking about his upcoming holiday school concert he was going to be in? I certainly appreciated his Fox medicine/courage dream that morning. Come to think, I've been pulling the "courage" Angel card, quite regularly, for a couple of months now. Again, I have to hold off on sharing what I've needed courage for, for at least a few more days; but it's worth the wait!
After he told me his dream, he said, 'Hey, I just saw my initials." Sure enough, there was a semi with the initials 'NM', very large, and bold on it. I explained that could be a 'Ping', and what a 'Ping' was. About 20 minutes later, I was recapping our Ping conversation in my head, and he said, 'Look Mom, there it is again, 'NM'. Sure enough, there it was again. Ping!
The next day, I worked with Nevin doing psychic development games in the car. I guess I was inspired. He was able to successfully sense 3 shapes I imagined holding in my hands: a sphere, a pyramid, and, well, the third was close, but not exact....he said a rectangle, and I was thinking of a Rubex cube. When we were done, we played with guessing colors, taking turns. We did fair on that one. We also talked about what a premonition was. Nevin said he just had a ping. I asked what it was. He saw the words 'May Flower'. I said, "I don't think the words May Flower are a ping Nevin..." He said, 'Yes it is; I saw the same thing, on a truck before, but it was going on the other side of the highway!'
OK, he's 5, and he's mastering the concept of a Ping. I love this. I also began to teach him numerology this week. He can do basic addition, he likes figuring out codes and puzzles. He's into it; provided I'm doing it with him. I've been patiently waiting for him to show interest and ask questions about all of the fun things I know and teach. It appears that time has arrived. I wanted to be certain that he was ready for all of this, and that it was a sincere interest that he had, without my prompting. I'm so excited to work with his gifts!
:- )
I hope everyone has a fabulous holiday.
That's so exciting Lisa! I want you to meet TJ soon, too. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
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