Saturday, November 8, 2008

A Great Event!

I have a fun story to share about last night. I was on my way to the Reiki Sharing event, and stopped for gas. I was a little crabby because I had to host the event with out my husband. (He's usually there, to remind people about their protective bubbles when they dip, and sweep off their excess energy.) Anyway, I couldn't figure out how to get the gas started. A nice man told me to press a button (In all fairness, he said he had the same problem at that particular gas station when he first started going there). As our tanks were filling, we began talking about our cars. I heard the pump click, and immediately pulled my nozzle out of my car. Guess what? My gas wasn't the one that clicked. Has anyone ever pulled the nozzle out, when it's on high, fueling your car? Me neither. Well, long story short, I was sprayed and my skirt smelled really bad. Earlier this week, I had a coffee accident all over myself, and decided I would bring in a spare set of clothes to work. But.... I forgot to do that. :- )
When I got to my office, I rubbed myself down in lemon oil, hoping to cover the smell....
Shortly after people starting arriving, I got a surprise guest, whom I didn't even know was coming; my seamstress! She just happened to have my brown skirt with her! Perfect! I cheered out loud, I was so happy. It fit, matched, and looked great. Thank you Spirit, and Dianne!

The event itself was in congruence with what I've been continuously experiencing at the clinic; several people ascended to new levels of consciousness.  The attendants did very well; especially my 3 Angel Helpers. They are all reaching new levels. One of them could see the protective bubble of a new student. This is a valuable tool because at the sharings, the new students (and the old) need reminding to keep their protective fields up, or they get drained. For over 7 years, this student has been able to 'feel' other people's energies, but never seen them. WOW! I ran out and told the other Angel Helpers about her success, and one of them gave her a great, big hug. This is SUCH an accomplishment!  My other angel helpers did fabulous and are beginning to see and hear their guides, and other peoples guides. I'm so proud of them!

I have decided that I am going to host monthly Reiki Sharings at the clinic. With the help of my Angel helpers, and other trained Reiki practitioners, I can safely host larger crowds. This is a really exciting time for me.

Have a beautiful day!


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