Thursday, October 9, 2008


Hi everyone! I'm so excited; people have started posting comments to my blogs. This is wonderful. More comments means more diversity and greater elaboration on the concepts I am sharing. If you get a chance, check them out. 

This is just a short 'mommy' blog. Nevin has been basically deaf for a couple of weeks now. Literally, he acts like he can't hear us, and then when we shout at him, he says, 'Huh?' He has had a cold, so we didn't think much of it. Well, yesterday, his teacher told me that he's having some trouble hearing her give lessons. I took that as a final sign to take him back to the walk-in clinic. They told me that his ears were completely blocked with ear wax. We took him home, and spent the next 3 hours, on and off, flushing his ears out. Here's what's amazing; we found something in his ear. Nevin had a tiny plastic beany-baby bead in his ear! It was buried under the wax. (Gross!) No wonder my kid couldn't hear! He had a double ear infection a month ago, so his ears over-produced wax to help them heal. He slept with his beany baby tiger about a month ago. It has a tiny tear in it, leaking beads. So, essentially, that has been in his ear for a month. :- ) We had been cleaning his ears with a tools, but he needed them flushed.

Whoops! The moral of the story? Flush out your kid's ears once in a while, and NO sleeping with leaking beany-babies!


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