Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Bed and Breakfast

This afternoon, I had a morbid thought about finding my cat, dead, one day. She's an outdoor cat, but looks about 5 years younger than she is. The vet said so. I love that. Every vet I've ever gone to has preached to me about how I'm hurting my cat, by having it an outdoor cat, and yet Topaz, my Reiki-loving cat, looks and acts so much younger.

There has been a stray cat walking around the neighborhood. I've wanted to go up to it, but whenever I make it outside, it's gone. I saw it today. 

I was downstairs tonight, looking for those little stickies I put on my newsletters to keep them closed. I found myself sifting through some old photos. There was a photo from 8 years ago, of me holding a little kitten we briefly had named Peridot. Topaz (my current cat of 15 years) wouldn't have it, and terrorized it. We ended up having to give it to the humane society. Luckily, it was adopted out.  I was remembering how happy I was, holding and cuddling it in the photo. I came upstairs and there was a knock at the door. It was the neighbor with his live trap. He had caught a kitten. Unbelievable! He has his hands full with a puppy, so we volunteered to take it for the night. Kind of a 'Bed and Breakfast' for the kitten. It's funny how so many little things lead up to tonight. There are more little things, but mostly thoughts, angel cards, and images.  I think I was waiting for this kitten all day!

We decided that we'd bath it, but we didn't have any flea and tick formula that was safe for kittens under 12 weeks. So, I looked on the Internet. I knew I could use essential oils. I just happen to have my entire collection at home right now; being I'm moving to my office on Thursday. We ended up bathing it in Apple Cider Vinegar and puppy shampoo, and then rubbing it down with peppermint, geranium, and lavender essential oils. This kitten smells good enough to eat! 

It's all meant to be. Right now, it's asleep in the bathroom, on top of a little container of drawers on the sink. It's a bold kitten. We think it's a 'she', but we're not sure. We kind of like the name 'Phoenix'. It's unisex, so it will do. I'm hoping someone will want it tomorrow. 

Wow, tomorrow both boys need to be up by 5:45am, and on their way to their first day of school. I'm not exactly sure why spirit has us doing this tonight, but it will all work out. 

I have to laugh at what tomorrow will look like. I just had a talk with Nevin about how we don't touch wild animals.... How am I going to explain this one? And at 6am, when he goes to use the kittens 'Room and board'? 


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