Ok, today turned out very surprising. As it turns out, my feeling of sinking was just the sign regulator, for Germantown. He called me about my 'illegal banner'. I LAUGHED! If you read my last blog, it's
ironic that I would get this call. Incredibly. I've been there for over a year now.
I called him back and said, "This is Lisa Mohr and I have the illegal banner". Why not say it, and get it out there right away? That caught him off guard. Maybe he's used to people lying about it. I said that I thought that
signs needed permits,
not banners. This was the truth. That's how it is in Menomonee Falls, and I see them all over Germantown. He quickly calmed and said that they are 'working on that'. I told him that I would take my banner down immediately, and then he asked about the psychic's signs. I laughed. I told him that I have nothing to do with her; we are separate businesses. He said he'd call her. She has about 4 signs, all over the place. I thought
for sure my land lord called him, but he said that he was just driving by. Either way, it's no harm to me.
After that, we continued to pack up my office. I figured I would pack some today, and the rest on Saturday. I had massages this week, so I wanted to 'keep shop' for a few more days. Well, during the afternoon, Lisa Marie came over to talk to me about something. I don't want to get into it; but after that, I asked Brian if I could completely move out today. He said that was fine.
Here's a fun fact about me: I get really angry...and I shake, when people lie through their teeth, when they are talking to me. Just a fun fact I thought I'd share about myself.
Now back to my story.
Each person I rescheduled, it worked out either for the better, or they were going to call me to reschedule anyway, but hadn't yet. I had 6 people reschedule this week. All of them, legitimate excuses. It JUST didn't feel safe there to me. And I think the universe was in sink with that. I certainly didn't need any more signs to leave.
A few miracles occurred after that. Small, but miracles, none the less. First of all, this was literally the first event, of this magnetude, that our children were involved and PERFECT all day long. Ian even napped in the van at one point. During the afternoon, Nevin was hungry, so we went over to the gas station. I know one of the guys there. When I told him I was leaving, he looked like he was going to cry. I was really touched. His dad works there, and thoughtfully gave Nevin a candy bar. It just happened to be wheat-free, so he could eat it. It just made our day!
When we got home, it took me no time to set up a temporary massage area (for clients that I know). When I've done this in the past, it took me hours. I did it in under an hour. Brian said, "It really feels like it's meant to be."
In addition, I found out that a family member is pregnant tonight. I will further blog details about this, when I can. I'm supposed to keep it quiet, for now. But there were signs leading up to this, and I journaled them. But I can't share, just yet! Birth means: new things coming into fruition.
I feel safe, but unsettled. I have a 2 week period in between my new place, and home. Nevin starts school on Tuesday, so everything changes.
I feel like something big happens with our home in 5 weeks. Could be a move, could be a decision to remodel, or stay. Who knows. But I'm blogging it. I'm going with the 'we are moving' guess.
Nothing happened at 4pm. At 12:30 the sign-guy called, and around 2pm, I spoke with Lisa Marie. I seem to be a couple hours off. But those 2 events were what the sinking feelings were about. I'm sure of it. Maybe if I journal it more often, I'll sharpen that timeline.
Have a great night!
I'm exhausted!
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