Monday, August 25, 2008

A very tough day

The following post will be very detailed, and perhaps a bit lengthy; but I assure you it will be a profound read if you stick with it. I had an incredibly challenging day, but it wasn't without for- warnings.

This morning, I went on a walk and saw on old man walking and collecting cans. I used to see him while driving Nevin to school last year, but a few miles away. I have never seen him in my neighborhood. I thought of him yesterday because Nevin was crushing cans. I wondered heavily, WHY I was seeing him? I suppose it was just the first 'Heads Up!' for my day. 

I returned from my walk to see Brian nursing a hawk. Apparently, it had flown into our window, and knocked itself out. There was blood splattered on the window. The first thought I had was a recollection of a client telling me how, just a week before, a large bird had flown into her window, and then died in her arms. As you may know, Hawks are one of 'my' animals. I see them nearly every time I drive. So a hawk that flew into my window was a bit jarring. We all did Reiki on it; me, Brian, and both my boys. It was interesting to see the compassion and understanding that went through their little 3 and 5 year old heads. Such tenderness, and a little bit of sorrow. I myself felt guilty holding such a majestic creature. I suppose I've never really seen a hawk up close before. It was beautiful, and huge. Much like an eagle. After about 10 min., there came a point where my Reiki just fizzled out. It had been hot at points, but then it just slowly turned off. I believe this when the bird passed. 

What to do? What do you do with such a beautiful creature? We called a taxidermist. I thought maybe I'd donate it. -Not that I'm stuffing birds; I just thought I could donate it to them. Well, as it turns out, Hawks are protected. "It's a shame" the lady on the phone said, "Such beautiful creatures and you're just supposed to throw it in a dumpster? I wish we could take it, but we can't. "

In the end, I ended up wrapping a shroud around it (a towel) and putting it in a coffin  (a bag) and placing it in the garbage. :- (  Such a sad, sad, shame.   But I thanked spirit for the message; 'HEADS UP! There is going to be a jarring message. '  At least, that is how I took it. 

A little bit later, I was doing my e-mails and I had this feeling that something wasn't quite right on my 'I'm moving and fall schedule' message.   I even had trouble sending it. The dates were correct, but something felt like I should be on alert. It stated that I'd be taking massage clients at my new location begining on Sept. 16th. 

When I got to work, I checked all of my things. I had this paranoid feeling like something was going to be de-faced or stolen.  

I got a call from a lady whose father just died on Friday. Death #2 that morning. I told her about my hawk, and that it was a totem for me. She said that they are totems for her as well.

I literally took her call after being pestered by mosquitos and coming in to see her message. I remembered thinking while outside, 'I'm supposed to go in and get my phone!'.  

The call was all of 5 min., and then my massage client showed early. It was the perfect time for this lady to call me . For the moment, I thought everything was OK. That this was why the hawk hit my window; to connect with this woman whose father just died. But then this anxious feeling grew in my stomach.
I wondered if someone I knew was going to die?

I saw, in my mind and body, a phone call at 8pm. I wasn't sure what it would be about, but I could feel something. 

While at a friend's house, I got a call from my current landlord, at 7pm. (I guess I was off by an hour.) On Saturday, we had both agreed on me leaving the 15Th of Sept. He said that was 'Just fine'. He wanted me to take my sign down immediately. Initially, I agreed, but then I called him later and decided that it wasn't professional to do that; without me warning my clientel that I was leaving. Also, I have new clients coming this week. I need that sign up.  Besides, I was paying rent through mid-Sept. I left a polite voice mail on Sunday. 

Tonight, he told me that I either take that sign down, or I need to leave by the first. I said, "OK, I'll leave by the first". 

This was jarring to say the least. I'm not sure why he's so invested in hurting my business. I've always payed him early, and have done loads of upgrades on the place. I'm a landlord, and I do not treat tenants like this. He has not been very nice to me from the start, and I have always remained professional. My guides tell me that I am being tested, and that I am fairing well. 


DEATH # 3: the current location of Universal Healing

Sigh. So, in a nutshell, I had a hawk fly into a window to alert me of a sudden death ie. my business location. I had a funny feeling about the e-mails I sent out, because I have a 2 week gap before I work at the new place. 

I'll figure something out, it's just really stressful to have to do all of this within one week. At least I have Brian, and others to help me. And honestly, as I was there today, I thought to myself, " I can't WAIT to get out of here". 

So maybe I created this. Don't we all create our realities? I sense this will be an intense week. Please wish my prayers and energy. I will certainly need it!