So much has gone into tonight. No matter how it turns out, I now have a template to use for other presentations. I think I took for granted how much goes into a large presentation, and why there are usually so many helpers involved.
I pulled 'presence' as my angel card, along with 'purpose' and 'clarity'. I believe that this means to stay in the now, as much as I can, all day. I am feeling a new found focus and calm within me. I can feel people thinking about me and tonight. There is an excitement about it.
I just got a letter in the mail that said, 'Soup for the Soul', and I thought of the story of the author of 'Chicken Soup for the Soul', on the video 'The Secret". He started his career by giving small lectures around the area until the right person, at the right time, saw his presentation.
I think this might have meant something for me to receive it today, of all days. To keep a broader perspective about things.
I would like to thank my reader for all of the energy you've sent, and your comments. Some of you have sent the most heartfelt e-mails to me. Whether or not you know it, I'm grateful and I really appreciate your feedback. There are days that I need that extra boost, to do what I do, and then I get it, from you!
Wish me luck tonight!
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