Tuesday, July 8, 2008

How neighborly!

I must confess, it's been a stressful 2 weeks. I feel awful that I haven't blogged. I've hardly had time to do anything. Tonight I had a nice meeting with a family we've never met before. They live less than a block from us. While most people simply enjoy the moment, I find myself wondering, 'Now why have I attracted them into my life, right now?'. I know it's different, but it's how I think.  As it turned out, one of their children attended the Minikani day program. We have been strongly considering this for Ian, our youngest. They raved about it, and are placing their youngest there, this fall. Brian gave her my business card when she suggested a play date. Her wonderfully assertive 5 year old was already playing with my boys in the driveway. ( I love confident children!) For the life of me, I can't even remember how we started talking. They were walking by, and he was riding his little bike without training wheels. Nevin is trying to learn to do this. We discovered Nevin's bike is too big for him, after seeing this little boy ride his bike with ease.  This was a great insight for us!

So 2 nice things came to us from this encounter; the knowledge of Camp Minikani, and Nevin's bike size. And maybe even a new play-date friend. 

My other neighborly news is about a boat that we got for free last summer. Someone had a large row boat, on a trailer, in their yard, with a sign that simply said, "FREE" on it. When Brian came home with it, I was less than grateful. I thought, ' Yet another project for us to complete.'

Since then, I've found I'm excited to use it, to go fishing with our boys. 
And it was FREE!
This holiday weekend, we dragged it out of the swamp where it has hibernated all winter. We cleaned it out, and Brian is going to sodder the leaks. (Yep, it has a few)

The neighborly bit is that it is an unregistered boat with no paper work. Brian had to go down there tonight and ask for something in writing that basically said it was given to us. They nicely complied. So that was great. 

It's ironic; I am still confused about where we are headed. Are we staying here? If so, why has it taken 3 years for us to get to know our neighbors? And why all of a sudden.. tonight?

Any which way, I'm grateful for the country. People are so thoughtful out here.  People are real. The only thing that I would really, really like, is more people that thought like we did. In that sense, we are nearly alone. I don't mind being different; but a few more people like us would be nice.
 :- )

There are my thoughts. Honest and true. 
Have a beautiful evening,