Monday, June 2, 2008

What is a ping?

Several people have asked me what a 'ping' is. How do you really know that it's something to pay attention to?

Brian coined this word a couple years ago.  A ping can be something that is meaningful to you; like your grandmother's favorite perfume. You might smell it on someone, and then see it in a magazine, or a store. This means that you are on the right track. Or that your angels are with you. Or that Grandma is with you.

Frequency, and/or something that catches your eye, warrants a ping. A ping can be an alert. Brian's first time using this word involved fear about giving out our SS# to a financial planner. An internal alarm went off. We trusted this guy, but something didn't feel right about using him.  It turned out to be a positive decision that changed our lives forever. 

A smaller ping might be seeing someone playing cards, and then coming home to see that your own children are playing with a mysterious deck of cards that you've never seen before. This happened to Brian today. He also has had 2 hawks fly in front of the car, and saw another one at my office. So, 3 hawks in 24 hours. Besides the 'ping', hawk means 'a message is coming'. Animal Speak and Medicine Cards both read similar about this. Brian has a message coming; and soon. The key is to remember what you are thinking about when you see them. Sometimes it's relevant, other times it's not. 

Today, I had my Wednesday evening clear up. I tried and tried to make a social event work. It just wouldn't.  When I got to my office, there was a check from a student taking one of my classes. I will call her 'Betsy'. As we were walking out of my office, 20 min. early from class this evening, my phone rang. It was literally perfect timing to contact me. A lady asked me if I'd be willing to volunteer massages for the senior group, in Menomonee Falls. Apparently, there was a newspaper mix-up about the date, and the original person couldn't do massages on the new date-Wednesday night. Because of the perfect timing of the call, and the fact that my Wednesday evening had cleared, I took it as a sign that I needed to be there. When we got off the phone, I asked her what her name was.  It was 'Betsy' also. The real name isn't that common.  That, my attentive reader, is what I call a ping!

So what does this all mean? It's hard to tell.  This is why I journal. It reaffirms that life is a scavenger hunt, full of signs and clues. Sometimes you catch them, other times you don't. Everyone gets them though. Everyone. 

So pay attention.  The very act of listening and watching for them opens the possibilities for them to appear. Write them all down. The universe likes this. It's a form of gratitude and expediates the process. Whatever is coming, comes sooner and with greater ease. 

Have a beautiful evening,