Saturday, July 12, 2008

More pings...something is coming

I just got off the phone with the mother of one of Nevin's new friends. As it turns out, she had friends that attended the show that Oprah hosted on 'The Secret'. She also knows a midwife I know, and has heard of Reiki. 
This is SO cool. I had been wanting Nevin to make a friend with parents that shared some kind of knowledge of what we do. 
Tonight we saw 'WALLE' with our kids. It was the first movie we've ever seen, as a family. Ian was pretty good, although he was all over the place, throughout the show. 
During the first few minutes of the movie, there were several pings for us. For example, there was a company called 'BnL'. Brian and I, at one point, named our investment company 'BnL investments'. It's a different name now, but it was significant to see. 
During the drive to the movie, Ian was trying to get me to play with our Rubex cube. WALLE had a Rubex cube, and a collection of sporks. Brian LOVES sporks. I know, it's odd. But he thinks they are the perfect invention. Especially the ones with the knives built in on the side of the spoon. 
(The engineers in my reading audience will appreciate the way he thinks). 
On a personal note, I've been stressed out. More so than I have been in while. I'm both nervous and excited about Alta Mira. There was a date mix up in the add. It stated 'Wednesday. July 17Th'. It's on Thursday, July 17Th, but I'm concerned about the mistake. Ironically, it was a newspaper mistake that caused me to do volunteer massages there, in the first place. 
I am hoping that the mistake serves me somehow. Everything happens for a reason. 
I am working hard on manifesting a new, larger location to teach in. There was a Journal/Sentinel paper at the end of our driveway. It appears it fell out of the truck. We cancelled our subscription several weeks ago. Maybe there is something in there re: either a new business location, or a new home? We've started looking at properties in Elm Grove again. 
I believe that a new business location will present itself to me soon. I'm crossing my fingers it's sooner than later!
Thank you and have a beautiful evening.