So much has happened, but I haven't had time to blog. I am moving my office to West Grove Clinic, in Elm Grove. This is the first space I looked at, back in February. It felt nice, but the time was wrong. I have made myself nuts, looking all over town, when I should have just gone back to my first choice. I think I was a little anxious about sharing space where my mother works. We are both strong Scorpio women, and I was concerned about stepping on her toes. But now I see that I'll be
SO comfortable there, it's ridiculous. Literally, it feels like a gigantic hug, in every direction. These people, and the owner, Fred, are incredible. I can't wait to be part of their space, and perhaps one day, their team.
I am hosting a GIGANTIC open house on Friday, Sept. 26Th from 5:30-7:00pm. There will be a reiki sharing after that, from 7:00-8:00 pm. My intention is to bring together all of the wonderful spiritual people that I have met, in trying to find a new space. I knew this process happened for a reason!
I spoke with my current landlord today, and I was as professional and accountable as possible. Although he'd like to resent me for leaving, I believe I've been so in my integrity with paying rent early, every month, he has no ground to stand on. I've given him adequate notice, and he has agreed to let me leave mid-month. I can't wait to get into my new space!
I'm planning on officially being at West Grove Clinic on Sept. 15Th. That should give me ample time to send out the necessary info to clients and students. I finally have classes beginning, mid-September, at the clinic. There is a gorgeous course room, with recessed lights, built in dry erase boards, french doors, leather arm chairs, and more. It's about the same size as where I'm at now, but layed out entirely different. I can easily teach 10-14 students in that room.
Brian told me today that he started actively looking for houses again. I was stunned. (This has been a roller coaster of up's and down's between us, for months). He told me that we are 'over the hump', because 'Two are down, and there's just one to go'. This infers Nevin will be at his new school, and me at my new office. Now, we just need a home. Then we will be within 10 min. of all three locations. Perfect.
I know it sounds impossible, but I seriously feel big change coming, on the home front, within 5-6 weeks. I've got to trust this. I have no idea how, of course, but I feel it coming. And it feels like a gentle landing into this new dwelling. I feel relief, gratitude, and joy, all in one, as I interpret the feeling that comes from myself, as I imagine me, in the future. -I hope that makes sense. That is how I get my visions. I ask a question, and pan forward in my head, and feel what I will feel like. I then place images with these feeling.
I realized this week that I am offering pod casts on my website (according to the yellow pages Ad I have, that just came out). I have to get on that! So watch for some of those within the next month. My add looks nice. It's under 'massage' in the 4 county yellow pages. :- ) Take a peak, if you get the chance.
I'm really excited, but really exhausted, all at once. When I think of all of the e-mails, the newsletter, and moving I have coming, I'm already tired! School is starting, just in time for all of this to happen.
I have another post to share, so I'll finish this one up. Have a great night!
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