Friday, July 18, 2008


Last night was perfect. If you missed it, don't beat yourself up; there will be more events to come. From those whom I've spoken with, they loved it. They said my presentation was both fun and enthusiastic. I've never presented with a slide show, videos, and a microphone before. I think it all went well. 

Some of the things that made this special were the fact that my mother, mother-in-law, and FATHER were there. My father was not only there for the lecture, but he performed Reiki and successfully created a protective bubble around himself. For those of you trying to imagine what this was like for me, I guess I'd like to ask you what it would be like for you if your father was there, doing Reiki and protective bubbles! He's never done any of that before.  Dad has never really understood what I do for a living. In a way, it was my spiritual 'coming-out' to him. He told my marketer that he was really proud of me. Between him, his girlfriend, my mother, and mother-in-law, I don't think I've ever felt so supported by my family!

During the body work segment, I hadn't really imagined what it would be like with 26 people, and 3 tables. With just Brian and I, it wasn't possible to host all 3 tables at once. I announced in the beginning that if there were any Reiki Masters in the room, I needed their help tonight. And they ALL stepped up to the part. Wow. It was terrific. Even people who were seated on the side lines could feel the Reiki energy we generated; and everyone just basked in it! 

The food was so delicious that people asked Suzanne,( Alta Mira's manager), for her recipe. 

I loved that everyone sat for awhile, before and after the presentation, socializing. There were both chairs with tables, and chairs in a row. That seemed the perfect set up. People had the option to either sit up close, or at a table with a plate of food, to watch the show. 

I'm not sure what is coming from this, but it feels like a great start. I am inspired to write a course that will certify my Reiki Master-helpers to guide students, in a consistent method of Reiki and protection training, during my events.  I had three Reiki masters tell to me that they'd like to be regular helpers on my team. This means I can host workshops to larger audiences, and no one will feel left behind. Everyone resonates with someone different. So my helpers will offer greater diversity and understanding to all that attend. And because like attracts like, the right students will pair with the right Reiki Masters for them. 

As of this morning, I am already exploring new venues for presentations. I have much work ahead of me over the next few weeks; writing more presentations and training sessions. 

Isn't it a wonderful day!