This past Thursday, I had a sinking feeling all day, despite consciously trying to block it. I told my friend that I felt like I'd get a call at 8pm that night, re: my 'cliff' premonition. (A drop usually isn't a great feeling.) Well, at 6:30pm, I got a call, from her. Her cat died suddenly. :- ( This was SO sad. The next day we talked about it, and I remembered I predicted a phone call, and she gasped, "Oh my Gosh, I was your 'call'!". It was the 2nd of 3 deaths I'd hear about over the next few days. But this was the worst one. I told her that her or her son must need an extra helper on the other side. When a spirit can be of more use that way, sometimes they pass unexpectedly.
Her cat's death spurred a necessary conversation about life, death, and the afterlife with my son, Nevin. You see, he is friends with my friend's son. He was sad for both of them.
Nevin asked me if I would ever die, and how long I'd live. I told him I plan on living to be 117 1/2, and that I'd die in April of that year.( I tell everyone this. It's what I really believe). I told him that I saw a long life for him, and that he'd be around me, and in my life, for most of his life. We talked about how everyone dies at a different time, but it's just their body. Their soul joins the energy field, (goes to God), and is much stronger.
I told him how animals frequently stay in the energy field of their owners. (I've done energy work with several clients over the years and seen and named previous animals that they've had. I've also had my own experiences with our late dog, Ozzy.)
I did my best to talk about these things in his language, at his level. I suppose life and death are hard conversations without the extra soul and energy aspects. However, being who we are, our experiences are a bit different. It's important that Nevin understand what he will inevitable see and sense one day. By that, I mean energy, of course.
The next night, Nevin wanted to pray, so we did this, in our own way, starting with what we are grateful and thankful for. He liked it. Maybe we will do that more often.
My friend's cat is much happier in it's new form. I know it. His name was Angel. Appropriate for what he probably is now.
Animals that pass away not only stay in the energy field of their owner, but reveal new energy fields that were always there but not tapped into yet.
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