One of my favorite sayings is, "What are the mathematical odds?" While in Mazatlan Mexico, I experienced a few, down right, unbelievable occurrences. If these examples don't prove the 'Law of Attraction", I'm not sure what will.
3 people on my trip brought up 'The Secret' to me. I did not prompt this in any way, shape, or form. But that part isn't what's unbelievable; after all, many people have seen the documentary and/or read the book. Maybe everyone talks about it to each other? It sure seems like it in my world. ;- )
What was be unbelievable, was us sitting behind a couple on a tour bus, that live 2 blocks from us, in Richfield WI. That was unbelievable. Of course, their look of disbelief was by far the most entertaining part. :- ) (This crazy stuff happens to me all of the time!!)
I had a family sit in front of me at a coffee shop. We talked and they were from St. Paul MN. We bumped into them a few times, over the trip. But before we formally met, the mother, Laurie, had overheard us talking to each other, just the day before. I had remembered thinking, at that moment in time, that it was significant that she was right there. I wasn't sure why.
Brian and I had noticed their daughter, Annie, a couple times, in the days before. For she had a swim suit that looked similar to a shirt I had brought. I remembered seeing her in it. The next day, Brian noticed her and commented that 'She should be sure to wear sunscreen.' (She is a fair, red-head). I said, 'Yeah, I noticed her yesterday, in a different suit, that looks like my shirt.'
(These are small occurrences, but demonstrate that 'spirit' was trying to signal our attention to her.)
Upon getting to know this family, we each remembered how our paths had almost crossed, the days before. Annie is a Nanny is St. Paul. We named her 'Annie-Nannie'. As it turns out, she baby sits 2 little boys, in a wheat and gluten free household, because he was exhibiting signs of Aspergers syndrome. The same was true for Ian (my little one) and our household. Just like us, they took him off of wheat and he became a normal child. This was an obvious ping. But there were more. Each time we spoke of Annie, over the days to come, she was there. One time, she plopped down on the couch next to me, right as we were discussing her. It seemed obvious, that with 400 rooms full at that hotel, that we were supposed to meet. Perhaps she will become our Nanny?
Her mother said at one point,' Well Annie, you keep getting more and more signs to go to Milwaukee.'. She told me she has family here, and that she is very close to her Aunt, who lives in Elm Grove. I asked her about her, and as it turns out, her Aunt applied for a position at our clinic 2 weeks ago!!!
Now, what are the mathematical odds? We were in Mazatlan Mexico, and randomly connected with a St. Paul family, and we had a mutual acquaintance? There was something about her Aunt that struck me, too. Of the 40 applications we went through, she was the only one to include a picture. I found this to be a nice touch. I made a big deal out of it, and talked about her with Brian, a good friend of mine, and my business partner. So when I shared this story, they all knew exactly who I was talking about. Neat!
Her aunt was very interested in Reiki and The Law of Attraction. I had hoped to see her again, at a Reiki Sharing, after the interview.
She was amazed at the powers of the Law of Attraction, when she discovered that I met her niece and Sister-in-law in Mexico!
We had several other pings and coincidences. It seemed that our entire vacation was directed by signs and pings. What an adventure it was!
I still get goosebumps and a warm glow when I think of our meeting and all that went with it. If you are willing to open your heart, mind, and spirit to all possibilities and to others, you will receive precious gifts. Thank you Lisa and Brian, for an enlightening, life-changing experience-Laurie.
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