Thursday, August 27, 2009

I allow vs. resist

I taught my first 'weekly insight' tonight. This was the result of an inspired idea to teach a different topic each week, with no obligation to sign up for a series. I'm not sure how well it went. The 4 new people bolted, like a fire alarm went off, after it ended. :- )

My regular students stayed around to talk to me, but commented that it might have been 'too much' for the general person to absorb. None of the new students knew of 'The Secret' or the 'Law of Attraction' or Reiki. I've been getting mixed energy feelings since I got home. Like 1/2 of the group was thrilled and the other half is still processing what I said.

During class, 11 minutes (huh, 11, I just caught that...) into my recording, the devise stopped because the disk was full. :-( So no pod cast.

I've been seeing '11's' again; all over the place.

I guess it happened for a reason, but I have no idea what that would be at this time. Tonight's topics were; allowing vs. resisting success, and sitting in a room of darkness with a million doors of opportunities. I'll touch on that briefly, because I love it. When I am 'stuck' in life, I visualize being in a room of darkness with a million doors. I imagine sitting on pillows and waiting for doors to open. Sure enough, after a couple of days, at least one door will open. The key is to do two things; do not imagine what the door (opportunity or solution) will be, and to KNOW that it will open. It always does, because it always has, and always will. I must trust this.

Tonight I got an e-mail from a kind student, who objected to the fact that I did not go into depth about the spiritual aspect of manifesting in 'His' name.

I e-mailed back that everyone experiences the same chemical endorphin when they feel God in their own way. This has been tested scientifically. Wars are STILL fought over this. Only humans are so ego based as to believe that their belief, their path, is the ONLY way for people to reach enlightenment. How is that allowing? And allowing is how we grow. We grow for ourselves in all aspects by allowing others to believe, to achieve, be gorgeous, be happy, be wealthy, be in enriching relationships, spend money, save money, have healthy bodies, etc. etc. etc. When we judge and resist this, we forbid ourselves to achieve it. Powerful thoughts create powerful vibrations. This is echoed back from the universe.

I've seen manifesting in several belief systems. They all seem pretty similar in that aspect to me. If you believe something, using your higher power or not, you will attract it. This is what I have witnessed. So in my eyes, I don't feel it matters which faith you are. So long as it makes you feel good, and it's working for you. I allow all belief systems for others and therefor allow a progressive and evolving belief system for myself.

I'll take moment and imagine a world where everyone is actually OK with WHATEVER you believe about a higher power. We all live in perfect harmony...(Maybe my Angel Helper Graduate, who is hosting a Group Intention class, can have the group focus on that intention for me.. that would be wonderful....)

I'm eager to hear comments about this, so please feel free to post.
Have a great night!


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