Friday, May 20, 2011


                                                                  (photo by Audiotribe)

It's all how you look at it.
Until recently, I never really liked dandelions.  I enjoyed the yellow flowers that dandelions produced, and the white puffy fluff that followed, but after that, they were always just an annoying weed to me. It wasn't until recently that I learned just how valuable and nutritious they are. Every day, I juice vegetables and fruits in my juicer. My friend Laura Hulke taught me how dandelions are an awesome liver and kidney detoxifier, as well as a powerful diuretic. It's funny, I find myself constantly looking for dandelions now. As a matter of fact, I worry that I will run out of them. I wonder if I'll go to the neighbor's yard and ask if I can have some? Surely they won't mind. But honestly, I would have NEVER thought a few months ago that these little weeds would become so valuable to me! 

A yard service salesman came to my door soliciting last week.  I found myself telling him, 'I'm sorry, I eat my weeds.' He laughed and asked me if I make dandelion wine. "No..not yet", I said. "But that's a good idea!"

Isn't there a show on channel 10 called 'I eat weeds and shrubs'? What have I become??!!

I was talking to my physical therapist today (I'm having some work done on my hips) and the first thing she said to me was, 'I will never look at a dandelion the same way again.' I laughed. I had told her my constant quest for 'perfect' dandelions during our last session. How I am in search of the ones that haven't yet developed their flowers because they aren't quite as bitter.

We talked about how all of life is 'perspective'. It's funny how one little piece of information can entirely alter a viewpoint.  Finding something new in something old, for example.  It's all how you look at it.  Now I see the value of dandelions; a once annoying weed that I completely took for granted.

I'm going to meditate on seeing the value of other 'weeds' in my life. Please share an example you have with this. I would love to hear about it.

Have a great day,


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