Friday, September 9, 2011

Cord Cutting

Last night, during one of my workshops, I led a meditation on cutting the cords that attach us to people. Today, I find myself incredibly quiet. There is a stillness within me, and I don't feel the normal ripples of anxiety that seem to follow me around sometimes.

When I asked each student how many cords they thought they had attached, most of them answered with a low number. Surprisingly, after completely the meditation, they shared that there were many more cords than they thought.

I personally guessed at 400 plus, of my own. Today, it has been with conscious effort, that I have been pulling my cords in and NOT re-attaching them to the people that I am thinking about.

What a truly peaceful feeling it is to not have any attachments. I know that when I do think of someone, I can send an angel instead of my own energy. This seems to be a much more efficient method of caring for those that I love.


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