I cured it!
This is such exciting news for me... I CURED my lactose intolerance. For 10 long years I've suffered for hours with violent stomach cramps and gas pains if I had so much as a bite of ice cream or cheese. It's over! Last night I even ate cheese, Ice Cream, and yogurt and I felt PERFECT!
How did I do this? Well, a few weeks ago, I made a decision that I REALLY like cheese, and that I would really enjoy my life more if I could eat dairy again. (After all, it's a great source of protein, dairy, and calcium.) And life has been SO complicated with a dairy allergy. I imagined the effortless life of being able to eat whatever I wanted, without consequences. I imagined all of the food choices I would have again. And ever since I made that decision, it's been getting better and better. I am so amazed with this, it's CURED. Wow, I'm proud of me; my intention really worked. Now, I want to cure my sons of their wheat allergies, and me of my issues with weight. (I'll elaborate one this later.)
So, in a recap, I have cured the following diseases/conditions: Endometriosis (A fertility condition), Von Willibrands disease (A blood clotting disorder), Raynards (A circulation disease), Mitro Valve prolapse (A heart condition) and Lactose intolerance. Wow! I recently told my ob/gyn about the first four conditions I cured. It wasn't that she didn't believe me; she just didn't know what to do with the information I gave her. I mean, is there a government funded group of people that pursue unexplainable cures of incurable diseases? Of COURSE there isn't. With this thought, I realized that I wasn't as upset with the lack of validation that I've received from the medical world. At best, I would hope that they might tell a patient, 'Well, I do know someone who cured your condition, but you'll have to ask her about it...'
The only thing I am hung up on is my weight. I'm the same weight as I was 20 years ago, but I've never been truly happy with my body image. When all of my friends were skinny adolescents, I was always the heaviest of the bunch. I've been on a special diet now for a 3 weeks, and exercising. I have toned, for sure, but no significant weight loss. What's the block, Lisa?
I think I might have figured it out. I have an acquaintance who shared her theory on her negative blocker with her weight. I think I share her same perspective. We are both so blessed, in so many ways in our lives, that we feel that in order to be completely accepted, we must keep one part of ourselves broken. Isn't that disturbing? After all, I wouldn't want someone I love to stay a little bit broken in an effort for me to accept them better. I wonder how many of us do this to ourselves?
I made the mistake of turning on the TV last night. It's been weeks since I've done this. Let's see.. I watched shootings, fires, debt, foreclosures, train crashes, divorce, death, and I'm not sure what else in the brief time I had the TV on. I laughed; each channel I strolled through was worse than the last! It really seems like no one wants to hear about successes or ease in this world. Unless you are struggling, and suffering, and a victim, it's just not interesting. People are very ready to accept those who have 'earned their keep' in the world with a bit of pain, and struggle. If life is working for you, and easy, they don't want to hear about it.
WOW, that was negative, wasn't it? Let me shift that. I choose to hang around people that don't whine, complain, or stay stuck. It's OK to be in a tough place in life, or to be in a bad mood, but when that defines you as WHO YOU ARE, it's annoying, draining, and gets old fast for me.
I hope that my sharing of successes only ever appears as that. My achievements are meant to be excuses to SUCCEED and re-write those negative blockers and beliefs that keep people stuck. It doesn't serve me, you, or anyone to stay stuck by those negative reasons we come up with to keep ourselves smaller.
Wayne Dyer says that you don't attract what you want; you attract WHAT YOU ARE. Wow, that really made sense with me. Some part of me is still that overweight little girl. I'm not going to lie; it's not easy to see myself without any thought of weight. It's a challenge to imagine myself not giving an ion of energy or thought to my body because 'my body is just right for me'.
But that won't stop me. I'll do it; after all, I cured all of those diseases. What's easier, losing 15 lbs, or curing a disease?
Wish me luck, and thanks for reading my post. I love the energy I get when you read this. And I really love your comments. Have a beautiful day.