Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Mohr System of Abundance

Today was full of interesting happenings. I had a perfect stranger come to the door selling an educational system. We got to talking and I explained 'Pings'. He mentioned he's going to be getting engaged soon. My explanation of 'Pings' went like this; "Let's say you are thinking about proposing to her, and the clock reads 2:22. And then you think of her again and see a license plate that says 222. And then you are driving and bump your navigational system and it reads "Iowa, interstate 222, but you are in the middle of Wisconsin". 

He stared at me, stunned. He then told me that he lives in Colorado, with his girlfriend, who is from Iowa

I asked him if '2' meant anything. He said yes, because it was his lucky number; the number of his jersey from football , and the number he always chooses.. 
:- )

He also had a copy of the movie, 'The Secret", in his car. It's something he very much believes in.

I wondered what the heck this unbelievable encounter was; here in the middle of Hubertus,  WI, with an intern from Colorado?? After all, I didn't need the educational system he was selling; as nice as it was. I did mention that I am changing my business name to something like "The Mohr Method of Manifesting", but that I wasn't quite sure about it yet. 

Sometime during our visit, my phone rang, but I let it go to voicemail. After he left, I checked it only to discover it was a dear client telling me that she' just had to talk to me about my new business name'. That 'method' didn't ring right with her. After 54 min. on the phone, and her graciously reading from the thesaurus and dictionary (something I had planned to do yesterday, but didn't get around to), we decided on:
'The Mohr System of Abundance". Or, 'The Mohr System of Creating Abundance'. I'm not positive about the name yet, but I can see a Cd and DVD box-set learning system.  Yay! 

It's interesting to me because if feels like spirit tried to motivate me yesterday, but I didn't move fast enough, so my client was inspired to find a new name for me. I feel SO supported by everyone and everything right now! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!

I am checking on a new business location by Mayfair tomorrow. I don't think it's right because the bathroom (and sink) is on the lower level. I need a sink accessible to wash my hands after massages. When I told the landlord what I taught, he said, "Oh yeah, my wife is into that. She has a copy of the book 'The Secret' at home."

Boy, it sure seems like EVERYONE knows about the law of attraction! Or maybe I just attract everyone who knows about it. :- )

OK, here are my latest visions... I see us living at Brian's family cottage and Brian's parent's house, for around 3 weeks. Probably a living overlap situation?
I see a new business with a patio slab and a sliding door. I think it's in Elm Grove. 
I can see myself moving soon, as I can feel myself packing up my office and feeling excited for change. 

I'm feeling more and more confident about posting my premonitions. How will I ever inspire anyone to voice their gifts and truths if I'm not putting myself out there right now? 

I pulled 'willingness' and 'balance' today. No kidding! The angel card is slaving over dishes. Work, work, work, but then balance. 

Brian and I created a schedule system so that I feel supported both at home and while working. 
I don't think I will be moving as fast as I'd like, (at home or my office), but change is imminent. Our goal is to keep our household healthy, happy and in harmony. 

Monday, July 21, 2008

What a day!

Some time ago, I predicted that there would be a huge change in my life around mid-July. Well, we decided to resume our home hunt today. I don't want to say that we've found it, but it's strikingly close to the vision I had of it. 

I had predicted a home with a view like the Polish community center: a pond, tall grass, and cat tails. If you recall, this was the wedding where we had 'pings' about what scars do to the body. When we were there that night, I told Brian that I could envision a view, just like the one we were enjoying, in our new home.  

I had also for-seen a balcony off of the bedroom, and a bike trail. I had for-seen a pond, but not being our own. And a park and a bike trail. I saw a white brick castle-like home. I saw us getting the property for a certain amount of money.(I don't want share the exact amount, but I will say it's quite a bit less than what is being asked of homes in the area we are looking in.)

We found a property today that had everything I just described, and more. It has balconies off of each of the 4 bedrooms, and a back balcony off the kitchen and living room. It has a natural fireplace (one of our requirements) and overlooks a marsh area, and a private pond. Behind and next to the preserve is a school that looks like a park. (It is a large green area.) There is a pond to the back left, with a paved bike trail that circles all around it. The outside is wood and brick, but the neighbors have a white brick home that looks like a castle. 


The image above is a close up of the pond that we could see from this home. Beautiful.

Now, this home needs more work than I have time to explain, but somehow it really seems worth it. 
I was inspired to begin to pack. Perhaps in a couple weeks, we'll be ready to list our current home.

Last night, before I went fishing (we were up north), I knew that I would catch a big fish. I could feel it. Well, I did. 

Brian saw this frog on a frog, before we went out. It's kind of a funny coincidence. Frogs have to do with purification energy. Cleansing thoughts and being open to fresh ideas. 

I know the market is rough for home selling right now, but I can feel, a 'big fish' bite on the sale of our home. 

I see 2 separate parties. I'm not sure if they will compete, or if one will make an offer, it will fall through, and then their will be a better offer. 

I see all of this happening in September. 
I also see myself out of my office by Aug. 17Th. 
That is a very odd date. It's a Sunday, and mid month. I'm not sure what that means. 
I was inspired to call coffee shops (to possibly rent for workshops) in the Elm Grove area and stopped on the phone book page of 'clubs'. Did you know there is an Elm Grove Woman's Club? I didn't. I called and left a message. The message had several mailboxes, including one that said something about leaving a message if I wanted to rent their club house. Neat! I left a message. Who knows? I was inspired when I did it.

In the mean time, I'm in gratitude to all of my readers that are looking for possibilities for me. Several readers have contacted me to share that they are looking for me. I'm so lucky to have so many people holding an intention for me and my success. Thank you!

There were 'pings' all over the place today. As I was driving home, thinking about the new property, I saw a hawk (my animal totem) swoop into the road in front of me, pick up a mouse, and then turn to watch me as I drove by. Brian saw something similar to this the moment the lady from Alta Mira called me for the first time. I feel this means prosperity and abundance. 

I happened to look at the clock at 3:33 when I was talking to Brian about getting a team ready to re-vamp the possible new house.

All afternoon we were surrounded by either our car's brand, or exact model. Bizarre!

It was also quite unbelievable that I pulled angel cards at the lake and pulled "responsibility and beauty". I pulled "relaxation and Beauty' at home. 
What are the mathematical odds that I pull the same card twice, from two decks, in one day?
Beauty means seeing the inner beauty and potential of something or someone. Like this fixer-upper house. But I need to balance responsibility with relaxation. 

I am in no rush for all of this. Spirit is urging me to pace myself. I have to find peace in the midst of chaos for this to work.

Whooh! This was a longer blog than usual. Thanks for reading it!
Have a beautiful evening,

Friday, July 18, 2008


Last night was perfect. If you missed it, don't beat yourself up; there will be more events to come. From those whom I've spoken with, they loved it. They said my presentation was both fun and enthusiastic. I've never presented with a slide show, videos, and a microphone before. I think it all went well. 

Some of the things that made this special were the fact that my mother, mother-in-law, and FATHER were there. My father was not only there for the lecture, but he performed Reiki and successfully created a protective bubble around himself. For those of you trying to imagine what this was like for me, I guess I'd like to ask you what it would be like for you if your father was there, doing Reiki and protective bubbles! He's never done any of that before.  Dad has never really understood what I do for a living. In a way, it was my spiritual 'coming-out' to him. He told my marketer that he was really proud of me. Between him, his girlfriend, my mother, and mother-in-law, I don't think I've ever felt so supported by my family!

During the body work segment, I hadn't really imagined what it would be like with 26 people, and 3 tables. With just Brian and I, it wasn't possible to host all 3 tables at once. I announced in the beginning that if there were any Reiki Masters in the room, I needed their help tonight. And they ALL stepped up to the part. Wow. It was terrific. Even people who were seated on the side lines could feel the Reiki energy we generated; and everyone just basked in it! 

The food was so delicious that people asked Suzanne,( Alta Mira's manager), for her recipe. 

I loved that everyone sat for awhile, before and after the presentation, socializing. There were both chairs with tables, and chairs in a row. That seemed the perfect set up. People had the option to either sit up close, or at a table with a plate of food, to watch the show. 

I'm not sure what is coming from this, but it feels like a great start. I am inspired to write a course that will certify my Reiki Master-helpers to guide students, in a consistent method of Reiki and protection training, during my events.  I had three Reiki masters tell to me that they'd like to be regular helpers on my team. This means I can host workshops to larger audiences, and no one will feel left behind. Everyone resonates with someone different. So my helpers will offer greater diversity and understanding to all that attend. And because like attracts like, the right students will pair with the right Reiki Masters for them. 

As of this morning, I am already exploring new venues for presentations. I have much work ahead of me over the next few weeks; writing more presentations and training sessions. 

Isn't it a wonderful day!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


So much has gone into tonight. No matter how it turns out, I now have a template to use for other presentations. I think I took for granted how much goes into a large presentation, and why there are usually so many helpers involved.

I pulled 'presence' as my angel card, along with 'purpose' and 'clarity'. I believe that this means to stay in the now, as much as I can, all day. I am feeling a new found focus and calm within me. I can feel people thinking about me and tonight. There is an excitement about it.

I just got a letter in the mail that said, 'Soup for the Soul', and I thought of the story of the author of 'Chicken Soup for the Soul', on the video 'The Secret". He started his career by giving small lectures around the area until the right person, at the right time, saw his presentation. 
I think this might have meant something for me to receive it today, of all days. To keep a broader perspective about things. 

I would like to thank my reader for all of the energy you've sent, and your comments. Some of you have sent the most heartfelt e-mails to me. Whether or not you know it, I'm grateful and I really appreciate your feedback. There are days that I need that extra boost, to do what I do, and then I get it, from you!

Wish me luck tonight!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Woodchuck and Snow in the house!

I don't normally blog mid-day, but I had to. Too many coincidences... 
I saw 3 woodchucks this morning; all in different locations. According to "Animal-Speak, by Ted Andrews", it means a 2 year intensive period of study or growth is coming. I think this has to do with my new presentations. It has to. 

Woodchuck also means I may have more significant dreams. Wow, did I ever! Last night I was up several times with the most vivid dreams about us moving. I dreamt that we had to move into our old, smaller home, in order to sell this one. There was snow in the kitchen and living room, by the windows. I was shoveling it out the windows. There was a huge x-mas tree up, but it was blocking the stairs. We all fit into the house, but there were no beds for us to sleep in. I felt really dis-placed and anxious. 

Yesterday, we spent the day looking at open houses by my son's new school. I think subconsciously I'm fearing having to make a backward step in order to be closer to his school. I don't want to live in a smaller, older home. I love this home and it's yard. 

Finally, woodchuck means to explore deeper states of consciousness, and lessons about death. I see this as 'death of a situation'. So, in a nut shell, big time change is coming. 

I continue to have several time pings a day. It seems like every time I talk about, or think about Alta Mira, the clock is 1:11pm, or 2:22pm, 5:55pm, ect. 

That's all for now,

Saturday, July 12, 2008

More pings...something is coming

I just got off the phone with the mother of one of Nevin's new friends. As it turns out, she had friends that attended the show that Oprah hosted on 'The Secret'. She also knows a midwife I know, and has heard of Reiki. 
This is SO cool. I had been wanting Nevin to make a friend with parents that shared some kind of knowledge of what we do. 
Tonight we saw 'WALLE' with our kids. It was the first movie we've ever seen, as a family. Ian was pretty good, although he was all over the place, throughout the show. 
During the first few minutes of the movie, there were several pings for us. For example, there was a company called 'BnL'. Brian and I, at one point, named our investment company 'BnL investments'. It's a different name now, but it was significant to see. 
During the drive to the movie, Ian was trying to get me to play with our Rubex cube. WALLE had a Rubex cube, and a collection of sporks. Brian LOVES sporks. I know, it's odd. But he thinks they are the perfect invention. Especially the ones with the knives built in on the side of the spoon. 
(The engineers in my reading audience will appreciate the way he thinks). 
On a personal note, I've been stressed out. More so than I have been in while. I'm both nervous and excited about Alta Mira. There was a date mix up in the add. It stated 'Wednesday. July 17Th'. It's on Thursday, July 17Th, but I'm concerned about the mistake. Ironically, it was a newspaper mistake that caused me to do volunteer massages there, in the first place. 
I am hoping that the mistake serves me somehow. Everything happens for a reason. 
I am working hard on manifesting a new, larger location to teach in. There was a Journal/Sentinel paper at the end of our driveway. It appears it fell out of the truck. We cancelled our subscription several weeks ago. Maybe there is something in there re: either a new business location, or a new home? We've started looking at properties in Elm Grove again. 
I believe that a new business location will present itself to me soon. I'm crossing my fingers it's sooner than later!
Thank you and have a beautiful evening.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

How neighborly!

I must confess, it's been a stressful 2 weeks. I feel awful that I haven't blogged. I've hardly had time to do anything. Tonight I had a nice meeting with a family we've never met before. They live less than a block from us. While most people simply enjoy the moment, I find myself wondering, 'Now why have I attracted them into my life, right now?'. I know it's different, but it's how I think.  As it turned out, one of their children attended the Minikani day program. We have been strongly considering this for Ian, our youngest. They raved about it, and are placing their youngest there, this fall. Brian gave her my business card when she suggested a play date. Her wonderfully assertive 5 year old was already playing with my boys in the driveway. ( I love confident children!) For the life of me, I can't even remember how we started talking. They were walking by, and he was riding his little bike without training wheels. Nevin is trying to learn to do this. We discovered Nevin's bike is too big for him, after seeing this little boy ride his bike with ease.  This was a great insight for us!

So 2 nice things came to us from this encounter; the knowledge of Camp Minikani, and Nevin's bike size. And maybe even a new play-date friend. 

My other neighborly news is about a boat that we got for free last summer. Someone had a large row boat, on a trailer, in their yard, with a sign that simply said, "FREE" on it. When Brian came home with it, I was less than grateful. I thought, ' Yet another project for us to complete.'

Since then, I've found I'm excited to use it, to go fishing with our boys. 
And it was FREE!
This holiday weekend, we dragged it out of the swamp where it has hibernated all winter. We cleaned it out, and Brian is going to sodder the leaks. (Yep, it has a few)

The neighborly bit is that it is an unregistered boat with no paper work. Brian had to go down there tonight and ask for something in writing that basically said it was given to us. They nicely complied. So that was great. 

It's ironic; I am still confused about where we are headed. Are we staying here? If so, why has it taken 3 years for us to get to know our neighbors? And why all of a sudden.. tonight?

Any which way, I'm grateful for the country. People are so thoughtful out here.  People are real. The only thing that I would really, really like, is more people that thought like we did. In that sense, we are nearly alone. I don't mind being different; but a few more people like us would be nice.
 :- )

There are my thoughts. Honest and true. 
Have a beautiful evening,