Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Spread of New Growth

I've been seeing Robins everywhere. It seems like they stop to look into me. I've seen them on my morning walks; peering at me from tree tops. They've swooped in front of my car, and at whistled to me at my office. There is a nest, just outside the office front door. I tried to stop the process 3x, over a period of 3 days, only to discover a completed nest, constructed overnight. I'm not going to take it down. So watch out if you're a student or a client of mine!

I believe that my angels and guides speak to me through synchronicities. Sometimes, I hear them speak through animals. It's almost as though they momentarily share souls with the animal, look directly into my eyes, and send a message. 

I've been seeing Robins when I think about my workshops, and career as a teacher. Yesterday, I contacted my massage therapy school and asked if they were interested in an instructor that taught the Law of Attraction and energy protection . They were extremely interested. 

Today, I looked up Robin in the book 'Animal-speak -The spiritual and magical powers of creatures Great and Small', by Ted Andrews. He has some interesting insights about the Robin. Robin's mean 'The spread of new growth'. And that one 'can expect new growth to occur in a variety of areas of (their) life- not in just a single area.' It also represents 'a need to sing (their) own song forth if (they) wish for new growth'. I found it interesting that Robin parents both feed their young equally; every 12 minutes on average. Brian and I are both stay-at-home parents, for the most part. Each doing an equal part to raise our young, together. And Ian eats at least every 12 minutes!!

So next time you see a Robin, see it as a sign that new miracles and growth are coming. And find your courage to SING your song, loud and clear. 
Have a beautiful day!

A message from a Robin

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A sign from a snake

This is interesting. I had been asking my angels to give me a sign; some kind of motivation to sell this house. When I ask the angel cards, twice, I've pulled the 'risk' card. Now, there are 72 cards in there, and that particular question was asked on 2 separate days.

I had a dream last night about a property that we looked at first, but we decided it needed too much work. This morning, our realtor sent a link of what would be the perfect home. Except it's too far from our ideal location. This tells me that we are getting 'closer' to finding what we want. 

I am fully aware that we need to sell this home first. It's just that it's perfect for us. Our yard is like our own park, and our home is comfortable. It's a major leap of faith to trust the universe, and sell this haven, before we know where we're going. 
I asked the angels this morning, to send me more messages. 

Nevin and I were outside, washing my car, when I saw a snake. Now, in the 3 years we've been here, I don't believe we've ever seen a snake. It was such a rare sighting, I took it as a sign to look in my "Medicine Cards" book (by Jamie Sams & David Carson) . This is a book that lists what each animal means. I interpreted snake as meaning that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. That I need to 'transmute some thought, action, or desire so that wholeness is achieved'.  It involves 'creativity, leadership, and ambition'. 

The biggest quote that absolutely stunned me said, "you may fear changing your present state of affairs because this may entail a short passage into discomfort.'
WOW. That nailed it. I'm the one who's always saying that life begins when I leave my comfort zone. I need trust and take a leap of faith into the great unknown. Every experience in life gives me wisdom and makes me stronger. I needed to remind myself of this.

I will make a greater effort to journal this week. I have much to share. I'm working on carrying my camera with me so I can illustrate what I'm saying. I'm not sure how you feel about snake images. Maybe it would have created discomfort viewing one? In that case, it's probably better that I didn't have my camera with. I love all creatures. (Minus spiders.) But maybe you don't. 
:- )
I hope you are having a terrific weekend!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


I'm reading 'How to hear your Angels' by Doreen Virtue. I have a deep longing to know more people like her.  I wish that a larger percentage of the population knew about the information in her book. I'm only 50 pages into it, but it's accurate with what I've experienced. And more so, it's validating for me. I'd be happy with 10% of the population knowing this stuff. That's all. If 1 in 10 knew what I was talking about when I say, "My guides are telling me...", I'd be thrilled.

She nails it in this book. Absolutely. Down to the part about how angels have wings, but they don't actually use them. It's how we perceive them to be, so they appear to us that way. The one I saw was golden yellow, about the size of a large shoe box, and had a gown and flowing hair. I assumed her wings were moving, but looking back, it was her hair and gown that appeared to; not her wings. She turned to smile at me. Beautiful creature. Apparently, acknowledging them brings more of them to you. I knew this about spirit guides, but not angels. So, in reading this, you are probably attracting more of them to yourself right now. Say, "Hi Angels!"

I got into the car and 'Lips of an angel' panned across my navigational system. It was the song playing on the radio at that moment. I smiled. Funny how I keep seeing the word "Angel" all over the place since I started reading this book. 

When I meet people, I always see their angels and guides. I see white lights over their shoulders. Usually both sides, one brighter than the other.

If I listen, I can even hear them. 

A friend recently bestowed upon me the task of teaching her to hear her guides. This would be how I came to read this book; she gave it to me and said, "Here, I still don't get it. Maybe you can read it and explain it to me."

So here I am. People have asked me for years to teach them how to hear their guides. I've never known how to teach it. I'd love to have all of you hearing them and seeing them with me. I will read this book, and more, if need be, to succeed at this task. :- )

Maybe I'll write my next 4 week series on this. Somehow, I'm not sure it's something that I can teach in one class. 

That's all for now. Angel hugs to you and yours,

Saturday, May 10, 2008

A message for Brian and I

Last night, Brian and I attended a unique wedding and reception. The groom and party wore kilts and played bag pipes. It was really a delightful evening. During the reception, a group of 6 people sat with us. As it turned out, one of them went for Reiki treatments in her home town of Boston. Her husband asked me if I could help him with his problems. He didn't tell me what was wrong, and playfully got up, and twirled around. With my eyes, I scanned his energy. I touched 2 points; his right shoulder, and lower right abdomen. I touched the points twice. His wife commented, "She went right to it." 

Apparently, the gentleman's appendix burst a few years back, and he suffered for a full year with complications. I asked him if he had mood issues since then, and his wife abruptly answered, "Yes!"

Of this group, 3 of them knew of Reiki, and one women knew of The Law of Attraction. She was also a massage therapist, like myself, studying from a satellite school of the one I attended, but in Madison. When her son-in-law asked further of the Law of Attraction, she offered him her copy of the movie, The Secret, to borrow. 

Now this was all just quite unbelievable for me.  As if all of the Reiki and Law of Attraction coincidences weren't enough; there was more. It was just yesterday, that we met with Cheryl, our nutritionist, who verified that Brian's appendix scar was weakening his system. Brian has suffered with mood issues since his appendix surgery, 17 years ago. Cheryl explained the research behind this. Apparently, our bodies carry a blueprint and scars re-write it. Sometimes, it's a real problem for people. I have a client that has Alopecia; a hair loss condition. She recently saw Cheryl who tested an old scar from a pool injury as a major weakness in her body. Her hair started falling out shortly after that injury. She was just 14 yrs. old. I, myself, have had digestive problems since my foot surgeries 10 years ago. I can't dismiss this as a coincidence. Not that I ever would.....  :- )

For spirit to place these people beside us, at the wedding, was obviously significant. I was able to introduce Cheryl to the gentlemen I had just 'scanned'. (Cheryl just happened to be there, although not at our table, because her brother was the groom.)

For as often as this happens to me, you'd think I wouldn't be surprised; but I always am. Is the awareness that popular? (The Law of Attraction and Reiki) Or is it just really a living phenomenon? My life feels full of miracles lately. It's really wild. Thanks for letting me share it with you.

Happy Mother's Day to all of the Mothers and maternal women who read this,

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A scholarship miracle

A good friend of mine applied for financial aid, for her son's schooling. My friend lives a modest life, and assured me that she could pay for the school herself. This may be true, but she's a newly single mother, and had her son attending a private school. With all of the recent changes in his life, it was that much more important that he stay with is friends at his own school. As she wrote out the applicaton, she told me she thought to herself, "This is really an amazing thing; people donate to this school, to help other famililes attend. I can see myself writing out a years full tuition, for one family, and then adding an additional family each year, after that. " Those were her thoughts. She was already giving back with her intention. She had hoped for merely a few hundred dollars of help, if that. 

My friend called me, thrilled, and told me that the school aproved 76% of the $7,000, yearly tuition! What a miracle!

The significance of this event, for me, is that I'm listening to Joe Vitale's, The Missing Secret (http// 

I just finished a chapter on how he had written a check to a charity; one that emotionally touched him, for $15,000, and then later that day, received $30,000 from and unexpected source of income. He said that as he was writing the check, he really enjoyed the feeling of making a difference for these people. And he knew that money would come back to him, as easily as it was being donated.

The NEW affirmation for all of us is the following: "Every time I spend money, the universe gives me 10x the money in return!"

So.....for every penny you spend, know that more is coming. I can feel and believe this. In the business world, there is a rule; you will receive 10x back the money you put into it. Why can't this apply for every kind of spending?

Those that tithe 10% of their incomes also know this truth. It's a wonderful law of the universe which announces that you trust the abundance that is coming to you. 

So give, spend, and trust! I hope this story inspires you as much as it did for me.
Have a beautiful day.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

A pretty peridot pendant

Last night, my family went to a dog memorial at Conjito's, celebrating 16 beautiful years of Tinner; a black lab. If you've never been there, Conjito's is a hole-in-the-wall, Mexican restaurant. The food comes on paper plates, and the margaritas come by the pitchers. It was really fun. When we arrived, Gina (the co-host), sat us by her Father and his wife, Barbara. 

Now, before I had left my house, I pulled the Spanish angel card 'integridad'-which means 'integrity. I had promised to be 'Lisa', 100% for this event. Even if it was scary.

Sitting there, I thought to myself, 'Why has the universe mirrored me in front of this woman? What could I possibly have in common with her?' (Yes, I actually think this way!) A beautiful peridot pendant caught my eye. I asked her if that was her birth stone. She said, "No, I was born in November." I said, "Ah, a Scorpio. So am I."  We began talking, come to find she was a retired realtor, in Racine. Our home and house searching came up, and where she lives..on a 14Th hole of a golf course. She said that she gets the best of both worlds; city and country, all in the same location. (That's what we want).  I suddenly asked her what day her birthday was on. She replied, "November 5Th." I asked her, smiling, if she could guess mine. She replied, "Yours is the 5Th too?!"

I then told her that Brian and I teach the Law of Attraction, and gave her a card. I asked her if she'd heard of The Secret. She said, 'No, I haven't.' 

Children, food, and balloons lead my attention elsewhere for the duration of the event. 
When we left, she went out of her way to extend her hand, look into my eyes and say, "We are kindred spirits, Lisa. I know that we will meet again. " I searched her eyes, and saw truth. Hmm. I wonder what messages we may share for each other in the future? 

Do you remember the Celestine Prophecy? Everyone around you, and especially the ones that look right at you, are your messengers. It can be a scary unknown, but really rewarding.  

You know, I just realized something...we bought this house from a realtor named Diane, whose birthday was also November 5Th.  Hmmm.

OK, now I get it. Spirit is telling me something is about to happen with my home. 

I guess I'll sit and wait for the 3rd realtor born on November 5Th. Wouldn't that be something?
I'll have to ask my current realtor when his wife's b-day is. They are in business together. He was born in July...

I pulled 'Enthusiasm' last night. I certainly am feeling that way this morning!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

A spirit guide at the movies

Last night I took a much needed 'girls-night-out' and saw "Baby Mama".  About 15 min. into the movie, at 7:45 PM,  something started to pull at my hair. It felt like static electricity. I put my hand over my head, and there was an energy that squeezed at my finger tips. It was a spirit guide-someone was thinking of me. 

I leaned over and had my friend feel over my head. She giggled and said she could feel it! 'Who is it from??" She asked. My best guess was Nevin, my oldest. It was just a little past bedtime. 

When I came home at 9:30 PM, I asked my husband, Brian, if Nevin asked for me at bedtime. Brian said, "He did. And he kept asking. He even insisted that he heard a noise, and that it must be Mommy coming home. It was around 7:45pm"

He was missing me and sent an angel to tell me so. 

I pulled the 'birth' card last night. I thought,'What could possibly be new tomorrow?'
Well, Brian woke up at 5am and went running. He hasn't done this in YEARS. It helps his mood and energy, substantially

I took my computer to my office for the first time, and committed to working there, for 3 hours. It was great. One of my clients surprised me with a plant to adopt. It was the same kind as another one I had there.  I had the perfect window, waiting for it. It completes my workspace. What a wonderful sign that I'm supposed to be there, writing.

I feel blessed today.