Sunday, June 22, 2008

Rainbow magnetism

I wonder what it's like to be married to me? Poor Brian; I've been annoying him endlessly with my rainbow pings. I told him he just has rainbow-envy, because I can make them magically appear, and he can't. He just looks at me like I'm making him nuts. :- ) This may be so, but it doesn't change the fact that I seem to be making rainbows appear daily. As neat as they've been, I'm ready for a different ping. Only because they seem to be associated with rain!

I looked and looked for a rainbow after it rained at our house, and no such luck. I was disappointed, but then I saw a Skittles package on the table. And there it was, a mini-rainbow! (Hey, spirit has to work with what's available!) We haven't eaten Skittles in months. Brian had some earlier, and left the package out. A couple years ago I joked with Brian that I could sponsor Skittles one day. Something about 'feeling' the colors.  Now I could say, "Be your own rainbow maker!" 

An hour later, we drove to Alta Mira, to drop off a copy of the movie, 'The Secret' for the manager.  I saw a rainbow, driving on the highway, just before our exit. When we turned on to North Field, I couldn't BELIEVE the rainbow flag on the Alta Mira sign. It's almost 'too much' for me to process all of these pings!!

After that, went to my friend Kate's condo, for a dinner party. After it rained, a bunch of people went out on the balcony to see the perfect shaped rainbow
It was neat to be so high up and see one. 

That makes 4 rainbows in one evening!

I got some good news today; I exceeded capacity for my Monday night class. It's official; I need a bigger space. Miracle after miracle continues to manifest before my eyes. I'm eager for the next phase of my life. And I'm ready!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Is it just me?

Is it just me, or are there a lot of rainbows lately? This one was a double rainbow. Very beautiful. I needed it- the kids were starting to get to me, and I'm a little bit stressed with work this week. It rained in the front yard, but not in the back. Kind of...impossible, right?

I have to make a tiny correction about Alta Mira; Jo Ann is 'Betsy's' supervisor, not boss. And she is the director of marketing, leasing, and advertising, for Horizon.  Horizon is actually the name of the group that runs the 52 sites. But you get the picture.. Jo Ann pointed out that the average person only retains 25% of a conversation. So, I did pretty well, considering!

Tonight, I'd like to talk about my piano. I had it tuned today. A couple years ago, we went to a piano sale. I always wanted a baby grand. The night before we went, there was an Asian pianist, playing a concert on channel 10. His piano was shiny black. I had always wanted a wood colored one until I saw this one. The next day, I fell in love with a black, Asian-made piano. (Kind of a 'ping' from channel 10, the night before)  I tried all of the fancy, named brand ones, but really liked this one.  The sales person described it as 'bright' sounding. To my surprise, it was the cheapest, of the new pianos in there.  I made an offer. I told him that I would pay $6,000 for it. He laughed, but took down my information. 2 days later, he called and asked me if my offer still stood. He re-totaled it with tax and delivery. I declined. I told him $6,000, firm.  To my surprise, he agreed to sell it to me for $5,400, plus tax and delivery. So, $6000. Not a penny over. 

At the time, I had no idea the deal I got. I've had it appraised by 2 piano tuners at $13,500. 

Today, our piano tuner remarked on not only the deal I got, but how unlike the norm, our piano is. Apparently, this particular brand isn't known for it's quality. Where it was made, the standards are different than in America. He has four pianos from the same origin in his shop, and they all went flat with the rain over the past 2 weeks. My piano was so barely out of tune, he hesitated to charge me. Every time he tunes it, he is amazed at it's quality. 

I shared with our piano tuner, that we teach the law of attraction, and Brian and I attract nothing but the best. He smiled at that, and certainly agreed, when it came to this piano. 

I hope the reader is both surprised and intrigued by the mystery of this piano miracle. I mean by no means to brag about it. I have but 2 Earthly possessions that I love dearly; my car and my piano. And I will eventually part with my car. But I would struggle to part with my piano. I write my own music, and my son plays music beautifully on it.

As I rushed off to work, I realized that my first client knows this piano tuner very well. We talked about all of this during her massage session, and I decided to blog it. That's kind of one in a million, right there. She lives 30 min. from my home, and we share the same piano tuner! Neat.

It just goes to show, anything is possible with intention. No matter what it is that you desire. The universe doesn't gage by size, price, or possibility. Isn't it wonderful?

Thursday, June 19, 2008

A yellow convertable

 I e-mailed Jo Ann from Alta Mira today. She's as excited as I am about the upcoming informational evening, on July 17Th. I'll be sending out formal e-Vite's, and posting info on my website when I get the add that will be put in the newspaper. It will be from 6-8:30pm. I'm excited to connect with everyone who attends.  

Now, about my daily pings. There have been so many. But this is a fun one...
I think I'm getting a yellow convertible. We have a red car, and an orange van. I said about 8 weeks ago, that I want a yellow convertible. I figure, I'll just go up the color scale.. :- )

Well, I keep seeing yellow convertibles! For 5 weeks, before I bought my car, I saw the brand I drive EVERY time I went out, in front of me, or in back of me, while I was driving. And I live in the country, so there aren't that many cars! It says to imagine driving the car you wish to drive, and really feel it, in the movie, "The Secret". I did this with my red car; my dream car, and got it 5 weeks later!

I had just got done telling Brian this afternoon that I think we are getting a yellow mustang, GT. I keep seeing those, in particular, when I'm driving. None of them had been in front of my car yet. 

Driving home tonight from work, a yellow convertible pulled out in front of me. I'm not sure what kind it was... but it's starting to happen again! 

On a side note, I had a vision today.   I see a large, 20x30 foot door. It's has white light coming from behind it. On the other side, is a stage like area, and there is a lot of noise. Like voices. I know that once I pass through this door, everything will be different. There will be no going back. I'm excited and nervous, all at once. 

I can't help but think it has to do with Alta Mira. Time will tell. 

It feels like an exciting time in my life right now. I'll do my best to blog more often, and document all of the pings coming my way. 

Monday, June 16, 2008

Rainbow pings

What a lovely ping to see? Brian and I saw one a week ago, on a walk.  I viewed it as a good sign that new and wondrous things were to come. We saw this beautiful, triple rainbow at Brian's b-day party, this Saturday. It's hard to see in this photo, but there were 3 rainbows of colors, all blended into one arch.

Brian's long-time friend, Marcel, called him during his party. They talk maybe once a year. (We saw the most beautiful rainbow ever while visiting him in Minneapolis, 10 years ago, after our engagement.  I still think about it.) Brian shared with Marcel that we've looked at properties in Hawaii, just for fun.

That night, I looked on Craig's list in Hawaii, to see if anyone wanted to trade a house in Wisconsin for one out there. No such luck; but the second post I viewed had a photo of a rainbow in it. 

Last night, we watched a documentary about a guy that sailed around the world. One of the competitor's turned around, and headed for the Pacific. There was an image of a rainbow, as he sailed away. He was following his heart, and dropped out of the race. 

Pacific...Hawaii...  Brian caught that ping, and fast. 
Hmmm. That would be really nice, wouldn't it?

Well, we'll see what spirit brings us. My guides keep indicating that our move will be spontaneous. I'm patiently waiting for a sign; a directional marker, to indicate where.

Mercury goes direct on Thursday. We should all start to feel a little more clarity, and inspiration over the next couple days. 

Have a beautiful day!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

This made my day!

This morning, the radio personality that I spoke of, a few blogs ago, responded.  This is what I wrote:
"Your co-host needs my workshop more than you do. It's about what we attract in life. Maybe you'll forward my website to her; if you are inspired to do so. Thank you for taking the time to respond. You are really a gift. P.S. I don't think you'll be on the radio forever. You are meant for greater things. But you know that, don't you. :- ) "

This is what he wrote back:
"I do feel that way sometimes, but we'll see, for the moment I really love my gig. I will forward your site to her and we'll see what happens. Thanks for the positive energy!"

That just made my day!
Tomorrow, I meet with the manager of Alta Mira apartments. I'm excited to set up dates and create opportunities with her and the complex. I will definitely keep you posted!
The sun is finally shining. It feels great!
Have a perfect day,

Friday, June 6, 2008

2 weeks of pure sunshine!

Today was full of an odd assortment of 'pings'. Beginning this morning, at 8:15 am, my first client had a muscle referral when I massaged her. She joked it was like when you scratch a dog, and they shake their leg. My next client made the exact same comment when she also experienced a similar muscle referral. I haven't heard anyone say that for years....

My first client mentioned that she lives off the same road as Alta Mira (An independent senior housing center), the place I just blogged about. I thought that an odd coincidence.  She suggested a place owned by 'The Highlands", in Mequon, as a good place for me to market myself. (Her mother had stayed there, when she was alive.) My last client mentioned to me that her late, mother-in-law had stayed at a place owned by "the Highlands", in Mequon. (The same place). It was odd because I didn't lead her, in any way, to talk about this.  It just came out of her mouth; randomly.

These kinds of coincidences mean that something is coming. I keep seeing orioles. I'd like to believe what Animal Speak says it means; 2 weeks of pure sunshine your life.  It seems like miracle after miracle keep appearing. 

I keep getting the feeling that we are going to move suddenly. Last night, as I drifted off, I saw us packing up the guest bedroom.  We were inspired, and happy in doing so. 

I completed my 'success' board for class tomorrow. I promised my students that I'd make one, too. It turned out nice, although it certainly has room to grow.

That's all for tonight. Have a great evening!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Big news!

Last night, I went to Alta Mira Senior Apartments. I did some volunteer chair massages, as they hosted an open house for an apartment they were renting out. Keep in mind, I had no idea what this place was, when I agreed to do it. I thought I was massaging seniors at at a community center!

As soon as I walked into the building, I said to the lady I had spoken on the phone with, (a couple of nights ago), "I know why I'm here; I'm going to teach in here!" It was gorgeous...The front room had a large atrium that held 85-100 people. There was a kitchen and counter area, tables that sat 6, several large windows, and mission-style lighting. There was also a courtyard that would be perfect to host outside events. My photos just don't do it justice! (Something told me to bring my camera before I left last night)

Her boss, JoAnn, said that she was impressed with our brochure about the Law of Attraction and Reiki. I said that we intended to build the workshops to 100,s and then 1000's of people. I asked about using the place, and she began thinking about how we could help each other. She gave me such a smile; it's hard to describe.

As it turned out, she ran 52 of these senior community complexes, over a couple states. They hold around 160 apartments for seniors, ages 55 yrs. and older. I didn't think that they would be interested in Reiki, but the first person I worked on knew all about it. He was a grateful gentlemen who explained he had seen a program about Reiki on cable. He loved his Reiki massage, and took a card. JoAnn also knew of Reiki. One of her apartment managers, in Franklin, is really into it. JoAnn hopes I can offer workshops and seminars in there complexes, all over the area (and possibly other areas), to draw in people to see their senior housing communities. 

There were so many 'pings' last evening, I'm not sure where to start. The other massage therapy place I was 'covering' for, ended up showing. A grand total of less than 5 people came to the open house. I'm sure due to the fog. But also because, I believe, we were meant to market and brainstorm with each other about possibilities. The other massage therapist was actually a chiropractor that did trigger point work. Both she and her marketer were interested in my workshop. It is possible that we will create an informational day, hosted within the complex. 

JoAnn's first goal locations included Delafield, Franklin, Menomonee Falls, and possibly Burlington. She was just as excited as I was. Her final words to me were, "Be creative!" Meaning, create unique and fascinating events to draw in the community. I can do that!

So that's my big news. I'm intending on hosting the next Reiki sharing there; either this month or next. I meet with the manager of the Menomonee Falls complex next week to talk about dates and more possibilities. 

I'm SO excited I could hardly sleep! 52 locations in Wisconsin and Iowa!! So many possibilities!
Have a great day-I'll keep you posted,

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Radio personality

I contacted a local radio personality, via e-mail yesterday. Every time I listen to him, I think that I should contact him about what I do. It's been a repeated feeling for several weeks, now. Doreen Virtue, Ph.D,  says in 'How to hear your angels', "What piece of Divine guidance have you been repetitively receiving but are ignoring?"
Well, I've been dismissing this nagging feeling because I was feeling "Why on Earth would this person talk to me?" And then it hit me. Because I have something IMPORTANT to say. 
I e-mailed him about me, my blog, and what I teach. To my surprise, he responded! But this is what he typed:
"I have heard of this before and always associated it with Yoga for some reason...thanks for reaching out too, maybe I'll see you in class!"

Initially, I felt the cold prickle of anger. I felt frustrated that he misunderstood what I'm trying to share with him. Yes, I teach Reiki, but I also teach the Law of Attraction, and energy protection, and how to listen to your guides and angels and sooooo much more!

I wrote back a letter explaining this, but then I heard a LOUD high-pitched ring in my ear, and Brian's computer let out an odd, digital 'moan'. "OK," I thought. "there is an incoming message from my guides." I took a deep breath, and relaxed. I deleted everything and closed the e- mail program. Then, I felt a nagging sensation to mention his co-host. That she needs my workshop more than he does. And I felt the need to tell him that I know he wants more than radio. So I did. Maybe it will perk his attention. How do you get a local celebrities attention without sounding desperate?
I thought about myself, and my future. Someone might get my attention by sharing an insight that only I might know. 
So this is what I wrote back:
"Your co-host needs my workshop more than you do. It's about what we attract in life. Maybe you'll forward my website to her; if you are inspired to do so. Thank you for taking time to respond. You are really a gift. P.S. I don't think you'll be on the radio forever. You are meant for greater things, but you know that, don't you?"

I'll let you know if he responds and what he says. 
Have a beautiful afternoon,

Monday, June 2, 2008

What is a ping?

Several people have asked me what a 'ping' is. How do you really know that it's something to pay attention to?

Brian coined this word a couple years ago.  A ping can be something that is meaningful to you; like your grandmother's favorite perfume. You might smell it on someone, and then see it in a magazine, or a store. This means that you are on the right track. Or that your angels are with you. Or that Grandma is with you.

Frequency, and/or something that catches your eye, warrants a ping. A ping can be an alert. Brian's first time using this word involved fear about giving out our SS# to a financial planner. An internal alarm went off. We trusted this guy, but something didn't feel right about using him.  It turned out to be a positive decision that changed our lives forever. 

A smaller ping might be seeing someone playing cards, and then coming home to see that your own children are playing with a mysterious deck of cards that you've never seen before. This happened to Brian today. He also has had 2 hawks fly in front of the car, and saw another one at my office. So, 3 hawks in 24 hours. Besides the 'ping', hawk means 'a message is coming'. Animal Speak and Medicine Cards both read similar about this. Brian has a message coming; and soon. The key is to remember what you are thinking about when you see them. Sometimes it's relevant, other times it's not. 

Today, I had my Wednesday evening clear up. I tried and tried to make a social event work. It just wouldn't.  When I got to my office, there was a check from a student taking one of my classes. I will call her 'Betsy'. As we were walking out of my office, 20 min. early from class this evening, my phone rang. It was literally perfect timing to contact me. A lady asked me if I'd be willing to volunteer massages for the senior group, in Menomonee Falls. Apparently, there was a newspaper mix-up about the date, and the original person couldn't do massages on the new date-Wednesday night. Because of the perfect timing of the call, and the fact that my Wednesday evening had cleared, I took it as a sign that I needed to be there. When we got off the phone, I asked her what her name was.  It was 'Betsy' also. The real name isn't that common.  That, my attentive reader, is what I call a ping!

So what does this all mean? It's hard to tell.  This is why I journal. It reaffirms that life is a scavenger hunt, full of signs and clues. Sometimes you catch them, other times you don't. Everyone gets them though. Everyone. 

So pay attention.  The very act of listening and watching for them opens the possibilities for them to appear. Write them all down. The universe likes this. It's a form of gratitude and expediates the process. Whatever is coming, comes sooner and with greater ease. 

Have a beautiful evening,