Friday, May 20, 2011


                                                                  (photo by Audiotribe)

It's all how you look at it.
Until recently, I never really liked dandelions.  I enjoyed the yellow flowers that dandelions produced, and the white puffy fluff that followed, but after that, they were always just an annoying weed to me. It wasn't until recently that I learned just how valuable and nutritious they are. Every day, I juice vegetables and fruits in my juicer. My friend Laura Hulke taught me how dandelions are an awesome liver and kidney detoxifier, as well as a powerful diuretic. It's funny, I find myself constantly looking for dandelions now. As a matter of fact, I worry that I will run out of them. I wonder if I'll go to the neighbor's yard and ask if I can have some? Surely they won't mind. But honestly, I would have NEVER thought a few months ago that these little weeds would become so valuable to me! 

A yard service salesman came to my door soliciting last week.  I found myself telling him, 'I'm sorry, I eat my weeds.' He laughed and asked me if I make dandelion wine. "No..not yet", I said. "But that's a good idea!"

Isn't there a show on channel 10 called 'I eat weeds and shrubs'? What have I become??!!

I was talking to my physical therapist today (I'm having some work done on my hips) and the first thing she said to me was, 'I will never look at a dandelion the same way again.' I laughed. I had told her my constant quest for 'perfect' dandelions during our last session. How I am in search of the ones that haven't yet developed their flowers because they aren't quite as bitter.

We talked about how all of life is 'perspective'. It's funny how one little piece of information can entirely alter a viewpoint.  Finding something new in something old, for example.  It's all how you look at it.  Now I see the value of dandelions; a once annoying weed that I completely took for granted.

I'm going to meditate on seeing the value of other 'weeds' in my life. Please share an example you have with this. I would love to hear about it.

Have a great day,

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Learn something new

I just learned about tread wear bars on tires. Wow; I never knew about those. The mechanic showed me what mine look like. I now feel empowered to make a choice about when to purchase new tires.  I LOVE learning new things-it's always inspiring. Every time I learn something new, I grow and change.

My personal definition of getting old is "when I cease to change". Change is what life is all about.  Ironically, it's what people fight the most.  I think the idea is that one should be grateful for what they have, at every moment. Enjoy what you have, who you love, what you know, and what you feel because it will change eventually. Doesn't everything change? Isn't that the inevitable? I don't state this to set a tone of anxiety within you, but gratitude.  Just for today, allow yourself to fully absorb all of the wonderful things, feelings, and people in your life.

The best way to ensure that I continue to change is to continue to learn.  There is SO much to learn and know, and experience in this world. Fortunately, too many interests capture my attention. For me, it's all about staying balanced and focused.

At some point this year I plan to work with an astrologer to further develop my skills. I guess that learning astrology and running charts for people will be my version of doing cross word puzzles when I'm older; something to keep me sharp.

If you haven't yet signed up for something new this summer, let this post be an inspiration to you, to do so. Community centers, and the YMCA have multiple choices, for dozens of unique classes, at reasonable prices.  I enjoy hosting my weekly insights and other classes because I always learn from my students. People are our mirrors. If you aren't meeting new people, you are limiting your own personal growth.

Have a great day, and enjoy everything in your life to the fullest. If you are up to it, learn something new. It might just become the new inspiration that you've been searching for.


P.S. Please comment on this post if you do sign up for something new to do this summer. Your responses are always inspiring; and you can leave your message anonymously.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Be still and listen....

During my quest for healing over the past year, I explored HeartMath; a scientific technique to calm the mind, body, and spirit. Arleen Hollenhorst, RN-BC, CEH hooked me up to a computer and had me hold a devise to monitor and control my energy. After learning about what my heart does (scientifically) when I experience negative emotions, she guided me to bring my energy and emotions into a calm and meditative state. I am sure most people experience this calmness and enjoy that feeling, and that is enough. For me, I realized that I if I can calm myself and my spirit quickly, I can channel (hear God/Spirit Guides, etc) almost immediately. And as you know, channeling and receiving spiritual insights is what I am all about!

To practice this on my own, I spend hours during the day in the quiet, or listening to the frogs gently chirping outside my windows. Living in the area that I do, the energy feels pure and alive. It recharges me, and I have come to depend on this to hear my intuition clearly. I must be still, and I must be calm to hear it properly.

A few days ago, I put one of my cats outside. His name is 'Truth' and he is our 'miracle' cat. He was gone for nearly 8 months, and was returned to us on a day when I needed a big miracle (My sister lost her soul mate that day, and it was very traumatic and painful for all of us). Well, a few days ago, I decided that Truth should go back outside. My other cats are indoor/outdoor cats, and Truth had gotten a bit chunky over the winter. Some might question why I did this, and my only answer is that I felt it was simply time for him to go back outside. He had dabbled with going out for a few seconds; but always ran back inside. A few days ago, I put him down and shut the door behind us. He took off running, and he didn't come back. I felt really bad. What had I done?

I made my mind and spirit still and asked, 'Will he come back?' The quiet but direct voice of my intuition answered 'In 2 days'. Well, 2 days later I pulled angel cards in the morning, and the last card I pulled was 'Tenderness' (The last card is meant for the last part of the day). There is an angel petting a cat on that card. Well, Truth did come back at 9pm that night-2 full days; almost to the hour, after he ran away. Why do I share this story? Because I believe that everyone can do this. How much easier life is when you can just ask, 'What is going to happen?' and trust the answer that you hear. Although I was anxious for Truth's return, I knew I could trust my intuition.

So today I ask you; are you trusting and listening to your intuition? What is it telling you? Might your life be easier if you acted on what you are hearing?

I this post finds you peaceful yet inspired. Have a beautiful day.

Monday, May 16, 2011

New Beginnings

It's been over 18 months since my last entry. Much in my life has changed. It's amazing how different I view the world, as a result.

In June of 2010, I decided that I would leave West Grove Clinic. It wasn't until November 30th, 2010, that I was actually out of there. As Co-Executive Director, West Grove Clinic was my passion, and my life. It devastated me to leave, but my business partner and I had very different visions for the clinic's future, and could not reconcile after months of trying. I did spend a brief amount of time at another center; which turned out to be a poor fit for me and my business. Ultimately, it left me self doubting, and frustrated.

In March of 2011, I moved my business home, and began focusing intensively on healing myself.

It has been a powerful and intense journey in which I have seen 15 different modalities to restore and nourish my heart and soul. Easily, my experiences over the past year could have left me jaded, had I not worked on preventing it. So many people in life change for the worse because they allow life to change them. I did not and I will not allow anything to take my innocence away from me. It's too important.

So here I am, back from the dead. ('I will survive' just happens to be playing as I'm writing this!). I am full of ideas and inspiration. During my fatigue and exhaustion I spent a lot of time sleeping and meditating, I explored many thoughts about myself and my future careers. After meeting with my career coach, (Susie Mathews) I have mapped out 10 different business interests going on in my life right now. They are all interconnected, but it's been overwhelming trying to both organize and actually commit to beginning them properly, until now. I just haven't had the energy or inspiration until recently. As I said; it's been a long journey getting to this point. Nearly a year. But I'm back, and I'm back to stay.

This month I am teaching Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 classes, Weekly insights, Advanced Psychic Development, massaging clients in my village-approved home site, and I am eagerly awaiting news from a local University to teach Couple's Massage. I am also working on recording and editing piano music, and creating a meditation CD. My website is updated, and I am hear writing a blog entry. Although many might find all of this overwhelming, I have practiced and work daily at balance. Once I begin creating; I can't stop!

Many of you have asked that I return to blogging. I am honored for the request and will do my best to commit to doing so. What makes my blogs truly interesting and inspiring is your feedback. So don't be shy-I look forward to your responses. Have a beautiful day! Lisa