Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Ok, today turned out very surprising. As it turns out, my feeling of sinking was just the sign regulator, for Germantown. He called me about my 'illegal banner'. I LAUGHED! If you read my last blog, it's incredibly ironic that I would get this call. Incredibly. I've been there for over a year now. 

I called him back and said, "This is Lisa Mohr and I have the illegal banner".  Why not say it, and get it out there right away? That caught him off guard. Maybe he's used to people lying about it.  I said that I thought that signs needed permits, not banners.  This was the truth. That's how it is in Menomonee Falls, and I see them all over Germantown. He quickly calmed and said that they are 'working on that'. I told him that I would take my banner down immediately, and then he asked about the psychic's signs. I laughed. I told him that I have nothing to do with her; we are separate businesses. He said he'd call her. She has about 4 signs, all over the place. I thought for sure my land lord called him, but he said that he was just driving by. Either way, it's no harm to me. 

After that, we continued to pack up my office. I figured I would pack some today, and the rest on Saturday. I had massages this week, so I wanted to 'keep shop' for a few more days. Well, during the afternoon, Lisa Marie came over to talk to me about something. I don't want to get into it; but after that, I asked Brian if I could completely move out today. He said that was fine. 

Here's a fun fact about me: I get really angry...and I shake, when people lie through their teeth, when they are talking to me. Just a fun fact I thought I'd share about myself. 

Now back to my story. 

Each person I rescheduled, it worked out either for the better, or they were going to call me to reschedule anyway,  but hadn't yet. I had 6 people reschedule this week. All of them, legitimate excuses. It JUST didn't feel safe there to me. And I think the universe was in sink with that. I certainly didn't need any more signs to leave. 

A few miracles occurred after that. Small, but miracles, none the less. First of all, this was literally the first event, of this magnetude, that our children were involved and PERFECT all day long. Ian even napped in the van at one point. During the afternoon, Nevin was hungry, so we went over to the gas station. I know one of the guys there. When I told him I was leaving, he looked like he was going to cry. I was really touched. His dad works there, and thoughtfully gave Nevin a candy bar. It just happened to be wheat-free, so he could eat it. It just made our day!

When we got home, it took me no time to set up a temporary massage area (for clients that I know). When I've done this in the past, it took me hours. I did it in under an hour. Brian said, "It really feels like it's meant to be."

In addition, I found out that a family member is pregnant tonight. I will further blog details about this, when I can. I'm supposed to keep it quiet, for now. But there were signs leading up to this, and I journaled them. But I can't share, just yet! Birth means: new things coming into fruition.

I feel safe, but unsettled. I have a 2 week period in between my new place, and home. Nevin starts school on Tuesday, so everything changes. 

I feel like something big happens with our home in 5 weeks. Could be a move, could be a decision to remodel, or stay. Who knows. But I'm blogging it. I'm going with the 'we are moving' guess. 

Nothing happened at 4pm.  At 12:30 the sign-guy called, and around 2pm, I spoke with Lisa Marie. I seem to be a couple hours off. But those 2 events were what the sinking feelings were about. I'm sure of it.  Maybe if I journal it more often, I'll sharpen that timeline. 

Have a great night!
I'm exhausted!

A sinking feeling

Good afternoon!
My guides told me to blog this. I'm becoming more and more confident with posting all of the things that happen in my life. And this morning, Brian said to me, 'I believe in you Lisa.'. 
SO, I'm feeling brave at the moment. 

I have a sinking feeling that something bad is about to happen. I feel something around 4pm, today. I had foreseen some kind of event happening today,  Wednesday, back on Monday. So far, I had one appt. cancel, and one not show. I took this as a sign to pack up my office. I feel like I need to get out of there, pronto. I don't feel energetically safe there. I want my healing space to be just that, safe; and it is not. Perhaps this is why 3 of my most fragile clients rescheduled their appts. this week. The universe is protecting them. 

I'm eager for the next phase. Transition is always difficult, but if I can just keep my chin up, it will all be over, soon enough. 

I hope to have exciting, cheerful news, soon enough. In the mean time, the universe seems to be directing me to get out of where I am at, as soon as humanly possible. I have a few more appts. this week. The massages will be in a baron office, but that's OK. My new place will look that much better!

I keep hearing my name today. I inquired about a camera on Craig's list, this morning. Her name was Lisa. And Brian just called someone named Lisa. So, those are usually pings for a 'head's up', again. 

At least it all makes a good story. :- ) 

I'll keep you posted!

Monday, August 25, 2008

A very tough day

The following post will be very detailed, and perhaps a bit lengthy; but I assure you it will be a profound read if you stick with it. I had an incredibly challenging day, but it wasn't without for- warnings.

This morning, I went on a walk and saw on old man walking and collecting cans. I used to see him while driving Nevin to school last year, but a few miles away. I have never seen him in my neighborhood. I thought of him yesterday because Nevin was crushing cans. I wondered heavily, WHY I was seeing him? I suppose it was just the first 'Heads Up!' for my day. 

I returned from my walk to see Brian nursing a hawk. Apparently, it had flown into our window, and knocked itself out. There was blood splattered on the window. The first thought I had was a recollection of a client telling me how, just a week before, a large bird had flown into her window, and then died in her arms. As you may know, Hawks are one of 'my' animals. I see them nearly every time I drive. So a hawk that flew into my window was a bit jarring. We all did Reiki on it; me, Brian, and both my boys. It was interesting to see the compassion and understanding that went through their little 3 and 5 year old heads. Such tenderness, and a little bit of sorrow. I myself felt guilty holding such a majestic creature. I suppose I've never really seen a hawk up close before. It was beautiful, and huge. Much like an eagle. After about 10 min., there came a point where my Reiki just fizzled out. It had been hot at points, but then it just slowly turned off. I believe this when the bird passed. 

What to do? What do you do with such a beautiful creature? We called a taxidermist. I thought maybe I'd donate it. -Not that I'm stuffing birds; I just thought I could donate it to them. Well, as it turns out, Hawks are protected. "It's a shame" the lady on the phone said, "Such beautiful creatures and you're just supposed to throw it in a dumpster? I wish we could take it, but we can't. "

In the end, I ended up wrapping a shroud around it (a towel) and putting it in a coffin  (a bag) and placing it in the garbage. :- (  Such a sad, sad, shame.   But I thanked spirit for the message; 'HEADS UP! There is going to be a jarring message. '  At least, that is how I took it. 

A little bit later, I was doing my e-mails and I had this feeling that something wasn't quite right on my 'I'm moving and fall schedule' message.   I even had trouble sending it. The dates were correct, but something felt like I should be on alert. It stated that I'd be taking massage clients at my new location begining on Sept. 16th. 

When I got to work, I checked all of my things. I had this paranoid feeling like something was going to be de-faced or stolen.  

I got a call from a lady whose father just died on Friday. Death #2 that morning. I told her about my hawk, and that it was a totem for me. She said that they are totems for her as well.

I literally took her call after being pestered by mosquitos and coming in to see her message. I remembered thinking while outside, 'I'm supposed to go in and get my phone!'.  

The call was all of 5 min., and then my massage client showed early. It was the perfect time for this lady to call me . For the moment, I thought everything was OK. That this was why the hawk hit my window; to connect with this woman whose father just died. But then this anxious feeling grew in my stomach.
I wondered if someone I knew was going to die?

I saw, in my mind and body, a phone call at 8pm. I wasn't sure what it would be about, but I could feel something. 

While at a friend's house, I got a call from my current landlord, at 7pm. (I guess I was off by an hour.) On Saturday, we had both agreed on me leaving the 15Th of Sept. He said that was 'Just fine'. He wanted me to take my sign down immediately. Initially, I agreed, but then I called him later and decided that it wasn't professional to do that; without me warning my clientel that I was leaving. Also, I have new clients coming this week. I need that sign up.  Besides, I was paying rent through mid-Sept. I left a polite voice mail on Sunday. 

Tonight, he told me that I either take that sign down, or I need to leave by the first. I said, "OK, I'll leave by the first". 

This was jarring to say the least. I'm not sure why he's so invested in hurting my business. I've always payed him early, and have done loads of upgrades on the place. I'm a landlord, and I do not treat tenants like this. He has not been very nice to me from the start, and I have always remained professional. My guides tell me that I am being tested, and that I am fairing well. 


DEATH # 3: the current location of Universal Healing

Sigh. So, in a nutshell, I had a hawk fly into a window to alert me of a sudden death ie. my business location. I had a funny feeling about the e-mails I sent out, because I have a 2 week gap before I work at the new place. 

I'll figure something out, it's just really stressful to have to do all of this within one week. At least I have Brian, and others to help me. And honestly, as I was there today, I thought to myself, " I can't WAIT to get out of here". 

So maybe I created this. Don't we all create our realities? I sense this will be an intense week. Please wish my prayers and energy. I will certainly need it!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

I found it!

So much has happened, but I haven't had time to blog. I am moving my office to West Grove Clinic, in Elm Grove. This is the first space I looked at, back in February. It felt nice, but the time was wrong. I have made myself nuts, looking all over town, when I should have just gone back to my first choice. I think I was a little anxious about sharing space where my mother works. We are both strong Scorpio women, and I was concerned about stepping on her toes. But now I see that I'll be SO comfortable there, it's ridiculous. Literally, it feels like a gigantic hug, in every direction. These people, and the owner, Fred, are incredible. I can't wait to be part of their space, and perhaps one day, their team. 

I am hosting a GIGANTIC open house on Friday, Sept. 26Th from 5:30-7:00pm. There will be a reiki sharing after that, from 7:00-8:00 pm. My intention is to bring together all of the wonderful spiritual people that I have met, in trying to find a new space. I knew this process happened for a reason!

I spoke with my current landlord today, and I was as professional and accountable as possible. Although he'd like to resent me for leaving, I believe I've been so in my integrity with paying rent early, every month, he has no ground to stand on. I've given him adequate notice, and he has agreed to let me leave mid-month.  I can't wait to get into my new space!

I'm planning on officially being at West Grove Clinic on Sept. 15Th. That should give me ample time to send out the necessary info to clients and students. I finally have classes beginning, mid-September, at the clinic. There is a gorgeous course room, with recessed lights, built in dry erase boards, french doors, leather arm chairs, and more. It's about the same size as where I'm at now, but layed out entirely different. I can easily teach 10-14 students in that room. 

Brian told me today that he started actively looking for houses again. I was stunned. (This has been a roller coaster of up's and down's between us, for months). He told me that we are 'over the hump', because 'Two are down, and there's just one to go'.  This infers Nevin will be at his new school, and me at my new office. Now, we just need a home. Then we will be within 10 min. of all three locations. Perfect. 

I know it sounds impossible, but I seriously feel big change coming, on the home front, within 5-6 weeks.  I've got to trust this. I have no idea how, of course, but I feel it coming. And it feels like a gentle landing into this new dwelling.  I feel relief, gratitude, and joy, all in one, as I interpret the feeling that comes from myself, as I imagine me, in the future. -I hope that makes sense. That is how I get my visions. I ask a question, and pan forward in my head, and feel what I will feel like. I then place images with these feeling. 

I realized this week that I am offering pod casts on my website (according to the yellow pages Ad I have, that just came out). I have to get on that! So watch for some of those within the next month. My add looks nice. It's under 'massage' in the 4 county yellow pages. :- ) Take a peak, if you get the chance.

I'm really excited, but really exhausted, all at once. When I think of all of the e-mails, the newsletter, and moving I have coming, I'm already tired! School is starting, just in time for all of this to happen. 

I have another post to share, so I'll finish this one up. Have a great night!

Monday, August 18, 2008

A really neat connection

I have been enjoying the last of the summer with my children and husband. Although it's been fun, I'm just about ready for them both to be in school/programs for part of the day. :- )
There are two things I'd like to share in this blog. 
The first is something I experienced with my children while we were touring a local camp and pre-school for Ian. Nevin said he was 'just a little bit afraid with all of the people around us' (they were hosting camp while we toured). I told him that I thought is was very normal to feel a little anxious around new people and new places. A few minutes later, I saw him with his arm around his little brother saying, "Don't worry Ian, I'll be with you every step of the way." 
:- )
Nevin found his strength and courage in appointing himself Ian's supporter. I was reminded that fear can be transformed when we choose to model courage because we love someone. It was very sweet to witness.

The second thing I'd like to share is about an amazing networking event I attended at Phantom Lake, in Mukwonago. My mother's boss, Fred (and his wife, Pat) own a home out there. It was pure magic. Perhaps the best part of the event, amongst the pontoon ride, food, wine and cigars was the soul-full connections I made with others. Specifically a couple named Di and Gary. Within 10 minutes of my arrival, she came right up to me and said, "Hello Lisa." To my surprise, she knew me, and knew all about me. You see, she co-teaches some of my mother's workshops and knew about my Law of Attraction workshops. She also had gone onto my website, and on my blog, and knew me from my picture. It's always a shock, and incredibly humbling,  when people tell me they are reading my blog. Anyway, we chatted and I told her I was looking for space in Elm Grove. She said, " I know that. And I know you looked at a space at Studio 890 recently." I was shocked. 

Now, she could have read that on my blog, but I sensed there was something else. She shared that while she was checking out a space, the guy who did the showing (also named Gary), had my business card on his clipboard. While he took a phone call, she read the card and immediately thought 'Oh, neat, he's into Reiki', and then she read it closer, and saw my name. It was then that she put together that I was Ellen's daughter, and all of the things she had heard about me from my mother.  I'm not sure if she went on my site before or after that. Any which way, it was another hard ping about Studio 890, for me. The way the universe works, it could mean that I am supposed to pay attention to this connection with Di, I'm supposed to use that space, and/or both. 

I've decided that I'd like a second showing. Perhaps I could share this space with other people who wish to host workshops. Should I take this space, they will remodel it so that it is open concept, with an enclosed body work room at the back. It should comfortably hold 15-20 students. 

During my exploration for new space, I have made some wonderful connections. There is a group out on Bluemound that has open discussion groups about the Law of Attraction. There is also a store in Elm Grove called Angel Light LLC that sells crystals, reiki supplimental items, and more. I really enjoyed speaking with the owner, Sherry, and her employee, Tracy. Very nice folks in that shop. 

When I do find my new location, I've decided to host a large open house/networking event, so that everyone can get to know everyone. This event on Phantom lake was incredibly affective for me. I made several professional connections with lawyers, psycho- therapists, and a psychiatrist. All of them were open to Reiki, and The Law of Attraction. It was incredibly inspiring and ful-filling for me. The world is really changing more and more for me. 

I have asked Di and her husband Gary to dinner with Brian and I. Their energy felt like a big sister and big brother. It was significant that I met them; I'm sure of that. Perhaps there is a future with us in the business world, or perhaps it is more friendship related. Either way, it's exciting a new to meet such wonderful people. 

Saturday, August 9, 2008

I'm on to something

Today I checked out the space in Brookfield, on Bluemound, I mentioned in my last blog. No one answered my phone call to let me in, so that was a sign it wasn't going to be right. The next sign was the incredible drive, down a very busy road, with lots of construction. That would be too stressful for me; let alone a client seeking relaxation. Once I entered the mall, however, I was pleasantly surprised. I have never seen anything like this, (in Milwaukee). There was a flower shop that reminded me of the Milwaukee (Tropical) Domes. In the center of the mall, there was a mid-level platform that held around a dozen tables. Beautiful. But it wasn't right. This location is too far away from where I want to be, and there is no external area for a sign.

There was a Studio 890 inside. That was downright unbelievable! Talk about some kind of a ping! I looked at a retail space in the studio 890 mall in Elm Grove, 10 days ago. And then again, a few days later. That was the first, of several locations I've looked at. Gary, the manager, was very friendly and accommodating. I'm still mulling over the possibility of a store front out there. It's a big endeavor, but the thought won't leave my head. It seems to haunt me constantly. I read in Doreen Virtue's book that a recurring thought is your angels trying to tell you something. I'm supposed to listen to something about this recurring thought. It's a clue. 

What did I get from today? Something about the space at Studio 890 in Elm Grove. Something about not settling for anything less that what I want vs. need. Oh, and that there are about about a million Reiki masters and massage therapists, and life coaches in this city! EVERY location I've looked at has at least 2 massage therapists/Reiki Masters, and a life coach. Things have really changed from when I started 14 years ago. This is a good thing. There is awareness in Milwaukee that was not there before. And it's everywhere!

It seems to me that maybe we could use a Reiki store of some sort. 

And there was something about the store front in the courtyard at studio 890, but it wasn't right. Is there a better location? It's like I'm on a bread crumb trail today. That's what it feels like. I mean, what are the chances that I'd run into Arleen at the grocery store, and then pick up a referral for a space that shares a mall with another Studio 890? WHAT IS THAT?

Are we having fun yet? :- )

The photo above is called 'The Super Crumb'.

That's what today was.

Part of me thinks it would be fun to sell the potions and lotions I make. And a favorite jewelry line I love. I could sell crystals,  Angel Cards, and Reiki supplemental materials. I'd need help, of course. Lot's of it. But the idea seems like fun, somehow. Am I crazy? Or am I suppressing something my angels are trying to share with me. 

Whoo! Even writing it seems exhausting.

I told myself I'd completely dismiss this store front idea if '' or '' were taken. To my surprise, in this whole wide world, no one has reserved the domain of ''.
Until this afternoon... 

Now it's reserved. Am I going to do anything with it? Time will tell. But until then, it's fun to follow the bread crumbs.
Reiki+ The Law of Attraction = Abundance

Friday, August 8, 2008

Which way to go...?

I feel like when Brian and I went van shopping. The first van, of about 8 we tried, ended up being the best, but didn't 'feel' right. I told the sales person, and he was confused and frustrated. 'How can I help you feel it's right?' he asked. I told him there was nothing he could do. We almost bought it, but then the headphones didn't work for the DVD player. We went home and I told Brian that he HAD to buy a van the next day. Our van was dying and we NEEDED 2 vehicles. Well, he had serious intention, and got a lead on a van in Kenosha. It had just rolled onto the lot. It had more features than the van we almost bought, and he got it for 1/2 of the sticker price. WOW. They didn't even have time to detail it, so was got a $200 coupon to use in the future. 

So, this is how I feel about my new office space. I'm so close, I can taste it; but nothing feels right. Not yet. 

I ran into Arleen, a student of mine who just hosted an open house for a new healing space she has in Menomonee falls, at the grocery store yesterday. Before her open house last week, I hadn't seen her in about a year.  She teaches, among other things, energetic protection. I wouldn't have been grocery shopping, but I had an appt. cancel. Arleen said it perfect, 'Well, I must be running into you for a reason.' I agreed; fate was at play, somehow. 

She shared that she read my blog, and wanted to e-mail me about someone who is looking to share space in Brookfield, on Bluemound road. Now, I had been thinking my space would be on Bluemound, so that got my attention. I had thought it would be Elm Grove, but I'm OPEN at this point to anything the universe sends me. 

I just spoke with Linda, the contact Arleen told me about. As it turns out, she hosts a 'Law of Attraction' group, and life coaches. She doesn't teach it as much as she leads open discussions. This might be a nice fit for what I'm doing. I certainly don't want to step on any toes. She sounds assertive, like me, so we'll see what comes of this.

I'd like to think I'm really close to what's coming. I feel this wave of energetic support. Several people have shared with me over the past 24hours that they 'caught up on my blog'. I think the wishes and hopes and curiosity of my readers is pushing me into a new state. I feel both inspired and frustrated. Like I did with the van. I've seen spaces that are everything I want, but something isn't right. It's got to 'feel' right. I'll know it when I see it. 

And by the Law of Attraction, it should just come to me. None of this driving around and searching, as I have been. I'm just impatient for change. I live for change. All change brings better things for me. It really does. 

In the mean time, THANK YOU for your loving energy, prayers, and wishes on my behalf. I really feel it. And it's making this waiting period more tolerable for me. 

I will keep you posted. Have an inspired day!
Reiki + The Law of Attraction = Abundance

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Lessons in surrender

It's been a long time since I've blogged. Last week Friday, I was going to send out an invite for my next Intro classes, and then I noticed my e-mail, blog, and website were down. I was having my web host transferred to a different one. Little did I know, it would take a week for everything to be up again. I was SO frustrated because I couldn't warn people and communicate that I would be unavailable for an uncertain amount of time. I had a feeling that I wouldn't be able to teach classes at my current location again. And I didn't want to, but needed a place to host my workshops. My e-mail being down prevented me from sending out invites for the upcoming class on Aug. 4Th. To confirm that indeed I am not supposed to teach on that day, my landlord called and asked if he could resurface the parking lot on that day. It was yet another sign I'm not supposed to teach there anymore. I've had several other signs, as well. 

I had pulled the angel card 'surrender' that Friday from one deck; 'surrender' on Saturday from another deck, and then later that day, my website guy said that he's learned somethings in life you can change, and what you can't, you have to just 'surrender'. WOW! I guess the universe wanted me to take the week off!

I'm still looking for a new location for Universal Healing. Usually, these places just come to me. Either the time isn't right, or I'm missing some kind of sign. I think it will come when it's supposed to. 

As for Alta Mira, I haven't heard from them. I even sent an e-mail. But before my reader is disappointed, I'd like to explain what I feel everything was really about. When I first started my intro classes, they were created for the Hartland Community Center. The director chose me from 11 pages of Google Reiki Masters. I was her 3rd choice, and the only one who answered. She chose me because she liked my name, Lisa. Her sister had the same name. 

Anyway, I created an 'Intro to Reiki' class, just for them. My first class was huge, and then not a single student after that session. I tried 2 sessions after that, and nothing. I feel I was supposed to merely create the class format that I did, which evolved into Reiki and the Law of Attraction classes.  I have since taught, monthly, for 18 months. It's been a terrific workshop that would not have happened if not for Hartland. I was just supposed to create a new way to teach. And I did.

Now, Alta Mira... Well, I loved that evening. I was able to create a multi-media presentation for a large audience; something I had never done before. I was also aware of a group of people that would be interested in supporting me in further workshops, as assistants.

Because of this event, I am writing an 'Angel Helper' series. This series of classes will be my most challenging task yet. I am attempting to teach a small group of people how to do what I do. And that would be something that I never thought possible to teach: listening to their angels, guides, seeing energies, setting the room in light, and trusting premonitions. My hopes are to take this group to the highest level I know of. Perhaps they will teach and travel with me in the future.

Were it not for the opportunity at Alta Mira, I wouldn't know how comfortable I feel in front of a large audience. Conquering that fear was liberating for me, in a way that is difficult to put words to. It brought me to another level.
The manager of Alta Mira called 3 massage therapists to do volunteer massages, that fateful night I first met her; I was the 3rd, and only one to answer her call. 

It was all meant to happen. We never know why until much later. Such is life. 

As for now, I'm just eager to find a space to teach and create. I think the universe is trying to give me some kind of a break, or vacation from all of this. For the moment, I'm just enjoying the summer days and nights with my family. All too soon, Nevin will be in his new school, and gone 8-9 hours a day. 
I'll write soon.