I layed awake for hours last night, so intent on writing this blog. Yesterday, I was part of some magical energy with the other clinicians at my new office. I gave a massage to two of them, and later, one was talking about something random. A couple minutes later, another clinician came in, and started talking about this same, random subject. I said, "Ping!". They were confused, so I explained how because his energy was balanced, and higher, (from the Reiki-massage) we were attracting syncronicities in the office. I asked him what the mathematical probability was that he talk about something SO random, and then 2 minutes later attract the same conversation from someone not even on the same side of the building? He was a bit confused, but intrigued, open and accepting. (I love this place!) Then it happened again, a few minutes later, involving a different subject. I would be more detailed, but I can't for privacy reasons.
I also ran into another co-worker, who was a bit disappointed 2 weeks ago, that he couldn't fill a workshop. He had just 4 people enrolled. I told him to visualize 8. He informed me yesterday that 8 people came to his class, and then he gave me a great, big hug! It felt terrific being part of such successful intention work. I saw his eyes light, and have continued to see them light, ever since he told me. His aura looks the best I've ever seen it.
Last night, I was able to resolve an old issue, with an old friend. It brought our connection to a new level. Between that, working on 2 new co-workers, and all of the successes during the day, I was positively humming when I got home!
And then I turned the debate on...
Brian and I watched it for all of 5 minutes, and decided that it was wrecking our energy. I wonder if it did that to others? So much 'mean-ness', and finger pointing. And SO much focus on the bad.
Do you remember the movie, 'The Never ending Story'? Do you remember how Attreyu (A-Tray-U) had to travel through the swamps of sadness? Do you remember how he had to think happy thoughts to safely pass, or he would be sucked into the muck, like quick sand, and die? Well, he lost his horse, Aztec. And then he almost died, but was rescued by a Luck dragon. It was both the saddest, and most stressful part of the whole movie. But then there was hope, and a new part of his journey began.
We might not be done with the dip in the economy and world, yet. If you continue to focus on how your world is failing, it will continue to be the source of your happiness, or misery.
Stay suspended. I don't care how you do it, but command the 'muck' to flow under you. You can and will stay safely suspended above it. Remember that money is a flow. If it has flowed away, tell yourself that it will not only flow back, but in greater numbers and intensity. Just like a wave rushing into you. Focus on the positive. With SO many people obsessing on the bad, there is a negative current that requires a conscious effort to dodge it. I expect this from my students, clients, friends, family, and readers. I KNOW you have the power to find joy in every moment. If you must feel defeated and sad, feel it, but then MOVE OUT OF IT. This too, shall pass. I know it. It's just rough seas right now. Try to make it an adventure, and fun. Tell yourself that this will make one heck of a story one day .You will have both survived it, and then turned around and thrived in your life!
TURN OFF THE TV and RADIO. Avoid the paper. Walk away from negative conversations. Make an intention and commitment to yourself to stay suspended. I know you have it in you.
Now, I have to share one last thing. It's a vision. I see a cliff coming, for myself. It's a longest drop I've ever seen in my life. I can't see the bottom, and it goes straight down. It feels like I'm being sucked into a black hole, down a rabbit hole. But then, I see myself floating on a granite platform. I'm miles above the ground, and I feel a sense of peace, success, and whole-ness within myself. Everything is wonderful within me.
And NO, I'm not dying. :- )
Be excited and hopeful for me. Have no fear. I am nervous-excited. A friend once told me to tell yourself you are excited when you are nervous. It feels about the same.
All good things come to me, and now, with my energy where it is at, I am attracting a great big shift. :- )
Brian feels this change coming, also. It's nice that he's using his intuition, with me. I just realized yesterday that October 10th is Friday. I feel this 'change' starting tomorrow night.
I'll write again soon.