Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm Yours

Yesterday, I was listening to an Internet radio station when Jason Mraz's 'I'm yours' came on. I really like the melody of that little song. I grabbed my moody little child, (Ian), and started dancing with him. I picked him up and bounced around with the music. At first, he looked at me strangely, but I persisted. I felt inspired to dance with him; so how could I possibly resist? When the song was over, he pressed his cheek into mine, and closed his eyes. We both shared a fuzzy moment. 

A couple hours later, I was driving to teach the first class of my 'Intro to Reiki' series. I was feeling excited because 2 of my work colleagues were signed up to take this class. Again, the "I'm yours" song came on the radio. I haven't heard this song in over a week, and I drive and listen to the radio at least 90 min., 4x a week.  It caught my attention to hear it twice in the same day.

During class, we discussed 'pings' and I mentioned that a particular song was a ping for me that day. I was inspired to dance, and feeling inspired to teach, when I heard this song. Another student shared that the 'I'm yours' song was also a  personal 'ping' right now, for her. 

After class, I hung out and talked with my mother for awhile, and cleaned up. When I got into my car, what was the song that started playing on the radio? "I'm yours." 

Now THAT is what I call my angels affirming that I'm in the right place, at the right time, and completely on track for what I am supposed to be doing with my life. Like a little 'keep on track' directional sign.

I just thought I'd share this with all of you. Maybe you'll hear the song and you'll have a ping too! 

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Trusting my instincts

Today, I went to the Pumpkin farm with my Dad and his girlfriend. Later in the afternoon, I had this sinking feeling of anxiety. It was really strong, and almost invasive. I went to pull an angel card, for insight, and the 'surrender' card flew out to the dish as I was mixing them up. I took this as a sign that I was suppose to just 'let go,trust, and wait'. My anxious feeling was familiar, although I couldn't place it. I told my Dad's girlfriend and Brian about it. I figured it might be that Brian hadn't called his brother, to remind him of his birthday, as of yet. But that wasn't it. The feeling remained, even after he called.

Awhile later, Brian noticed that our mailbox was knocked over. This is bizarre; it had rusted completely through, broken at the base, and fallen over. This is, of course, no big deal; but I immediately knew this was my anxious feeling. I then remembered that I had a feeling just like this one, 3 years ago. All day, I had this sinking feeling that something was going to happen to me and my family. I wasn't sure exactly what it was.  I waited all day; nothing happened. At midnight, I went to sleep and almost mockingly, said to myself, "See, nothing happened!". Well, 30 minutes later, I awoke to complete silence and blackness, in our home. The power was out. Shortly after, I heard sirens. We were all accustomed to white noise, so in the piercing silence, they were loud. At the time, I didn't have the flashlights unpacked,(we had just moved in) so I went room to room with an aim 'n flame, trying to calm the children and figure out what was happening.  Someone had drove into a power line that had some kind of black-out affect in my neighborhood. The power came back on in 2 hours. It was really no big deal. Certainly not warranted to my anxiety all day. Mostly, it turned out to be very validating for me and my intuition. 

Why am I sharing this? Because today, I sensed that my protective-parameters were invaded.I keep a protective bubble around my rooms, home, and land.  And the feeling I had today, was the same feeling I had 3 years ago. You see, the language of intutition is one of feelings and images. It has few or no words. I must match my feelings to a series of templates that might equate to a possible scenario. Today, I learned that the feeling I had involved something with my home and family; and that it wasn't that big of a deal. 

I had another feeling to this, similar, last year. I had the urge to really secure the house before bed. I felt invaded somehow. That night, a bunch of teenagers vandalized Holy Hill. I live in the area. Do you remember hearing about it in the news? 

I told Brian that he can help me with this in the future by asking me about my sinking feeling. He could ask, "Is it like when the mailbox fell over? Or, is it like the night before 9-11?"-(I had a BIG feeling that particular night; curled in the fetal position, on the couch, in Brian's arms...)

I shared this with my Dad's girlfriend because, being as I blog, I'm feeling much more confident about sharing my premonitions. Something always happens, when I feeling. How I wish everyone were as brave about sharing their instinctive feelings in the world. I wonder how many accidents would be prevented and how many positive insights might be shared?

Until then, I'm hoping that putting myself out there, as openly as I can, is inspiring some of you to trust yourselves more. 

I'm wishing love and light to every single one of you tonight. 
Have a peaceful evening.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Inspired to offer a flower

This morning, I saw one of my co-workers in her office, on the phone. I had this urge to give her a flower. I wasn't sure why, but if I had a flower (which I did not), I would have given it to her. 
Do you ever wonder why you have nice, inspired thoughts about people? Because THEY NEED ENERGY. I always tell my student's that anything inspired is not of your own; it is of God. Therefore, it is your duty to act on it.

I started talking to her about the marketing committee we are on.  (I'm keeping myself quite busy with projects and ideas, for all of us at the clinic). She stopped me, and shared she was in a car accident yesterday. It was very scary. I did some Reiki on her, and we talked through what she remembered. I believe I was able to balance her a little bit, before she began her day. 

It wasn't until later that I realized I was sending her energy, the moment I saw her, this morning. It's lovely how God, angels, spirit guides, and energy works... isn't it?

I love this office place. It positively oozes abundance. I had packed a lighter lunch today. Later this morning, Jimmy Johns dropped off 3 little subs to sample. We didn't even place an order! That kind of stuff seems to happen a lot. It's like a magical office
:- ) I'm SO happy!

Lately, whenever my energy dips, I hear a song I love on the radio, or I am distracted by something that is simply gorgeous (like the colors of the trees right now). Never in my life has everything seemed to fall into place with such ease. I spent parts of this week re-organizing the house. Several times, I thought of an item I hadn't seen in months, and then found it moment's later, in a random place I was guided to. 

It's hard to explain, but I feel like the universe is not only guiding and supporting me, but PREVENTING me from dipping in vibrational frequency. How positively lovely. If I could bottle it, and give it away, I would. 

I teach Reiki 2 tomorrow. This is one of the most powerful classes I teach, and it's the very first time I've taught it in my new location. I'm excited to see what happens!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


Well, nothing 'huge' has happened to me, just bunches of insights, and flickers of confidence with both myself, and my children. These seem to involve prosperity for myself, and insights about my children. I will elaborate on this in the future when I can. I need some more time to process what I am sensing. 

There was a brief and sad 'fall', but it turned out to be a helpful lesson for my son. 

This past Thursday, I had a sinking feeling all day, despite consciously trying to block it. I told my friend that I felt like I'd get a call at 8pm that night, re: my 'cliff' premonition.  (A drop usually isn't a great feeling.) Well, at 6:30pm, I got a call, from her. Her cat died suddenly.  :- ( This was SO sad. The next day we talked about it, and I remembered I predicted a phone call, and she gasped, "Oh my Gosh, I was your 'call'!".  It was the 2nd of 3 deaths I'd hear about over the next few days. But this was the worst one. I told her that her or her son must need an extra helper on the other side. When a spirit can be of more use that way, sometimes they pass unexpectedly. 

Her cat's death spurred a necessary conversation about life, death, and the afterlife with my son, Nevin. You see, he is friends with my friend's son. He was sad for both of them.

Nevin asked me if I would ever die, and how long I'd live. I told him I plan on living to be 117 1/2, and that I'd die in April of that year.( I tell everyone this. It's what I really believe).  I told him that I saw a long life for him, and that he'd be around me, and in my life, for most of his life. We talked about how everyone dies at a different time, but it's just their body. Their soul joins the energy field, (goes to God), and is much stronger. 

I told him how animals frequently stay in the energy field of their owners. (I've done energy work with several clients over the years and seen and named previous animals that they've had. I've also had my own experiences with our late dog, Ozzy.)

I did my best to talk about these things in his language, at his level. I suppose life and death are hard conversations without the extra soul and energy aspects. However, being who we are, our experiences are a bit different. It's important that Nevin understand what he will inevitable see and sense one day. By that, I mean energy, of course. 

The next night, Nevin wanted to pray, so we did this, in our own way, starting with what we are grateful and thankful for. He liked it. Maybe we will do that more often.

My friend's cat is much happier in it's new form. I know it. His name was Angel. Appropriate for what he probably is now. 

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Hi everyone! I'm so excited; people have started posting comments to my blogs. This is wonderful. More comments means more diversity and greater elaboration on the concepts I am sharing. If you get a chance, check them out. 

This is just a short 'mommy' blog. Nevin has been basically deaf for a couple of weeks now. Literally, he acts like he can't hear us, and then when we shout at him, he says, 'Huh?' He has had a cold, so we didn't think much of it. Well, yesterday, his teacher told me that he's having some trouble hearing her give lessons. I took that as a final sign to take him back to the walk-in clinic. They told me that his ears were completely blocked with ear wax. We took him home, and spent the next 3 hours, on and off, flushing his ears out. Here's what's amazing; we found something in his ear. Nevin had a tiny plastic beany-baby bead in his ear! It was buried under the wax. (Gross!) No wonder my kid couldn't hear! He had a double ear infection a month ago, so his ears over-produced wax to help them heal. He slept with his beany baby tiger about a month ago. It has a tiny tear in it, leaking beads. So, essentially, that has been in his ear for a month. :- ) We had been cleaning his ears with a tools, but he needed them flushed.

Whoops! The moral of the story? Flush out your kid's ears once in a while, and NO sleeping with leaking beany-babies!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Chin up!

I layed awake for hours last night, so intent on writing this blog. Yesterday, I was part of some magical energy with the other clinicians at my new office. I gave a massage to two of them, and later, one was talking about something random. A couple minutes later, another clinician came in, and started talking about this same, random subject. I said, "Ping!". They were confused, so I explained how because his energy was balanced, and higher, (from the Reiki-massage) we were attracting syncronicities in the office. I asked him what the mathematical probability was that he talk about something SO random, and then 2 minutes later attract the same conversation from someone not even on the same side of the building? He was a bit confused, but intrigued, open and accepting. (I love this place!) Then it happened again, a few minutes later, involving a different subject. I would be more detailed, but I can't for privacy reasons. 

I also ran into another co-worker, who was a bit disappointed 2 weeks ago, that he couldn't fill a workshop. He had just 4 people enrolled.  I told him to visualize 8. He informed me yesterday that 8 people came to his class, and then he gave me a great, big hug! It felt terrific being part of such successful intention work. I saw his eyes light, and have continued to see them light, ever since he told me. His aura looks the best I've ever seen it. 

Last night, I was able to resolve an old issue, with an old friend. It brought our connection to a new level. Between that, working on 2 new co-workers, and all of the successes during the day, I was positively humming when I got home!

And then I turned the debate on...

Brian and I watched it for all of 5 minutes, and decided that it was wrecking our energy. I wonder if it did that to others? So much 'mean-ness', and finger pointing. And SO much focus on the bad. 

Do you remember the movie, 'The Never ending Story'? Do you remember how Attreyu (A-Tray-U) had to travel through the swamps of sadness? Do you remember how he had to think happy thoughts to safely pass, or he would be sucked into the muck, like quick sand, and die? Well, he lost his horse, Aztec. And then he almost died, but was rescued by a Luck dragon. It was both the saddest, and most stressful part of the whole movie. But then there was hope, and a new part of his journey began. 

We might not be done with the dip in the economy and world, yet. If you continue to focus on how your world is failing, it will continue to be the source of your happiness, or misery. 

Stay suspended. I don't care how you do it, but command the 'muck' to flow under you. You can and will stay safely suspended above it. Remember that money is a flow. If it has flowed away, tell yourself that it will not only flow back, but in greater numbers and intensity. Just like a wave rushing into you.  Focus on the positive. With SO many people obsessing on the bad, there is a negative current that requires a conscious effort to dodge it. I expect this from my students, clients, friends, family, and readers. I KNOW you have the power to find joy in every moment. If you must feel defeated and sad, feel it, but then MOVE OUT OF IT.  This too, shall pass. I know it. It's just rough seas right now. Try to make it an adventure, and fun. Tell yourself that this will make one heck of a story one day .You will have both survived it, and then turned around and thrived in your life! 

TURN OFF THE TV and RADIO. Avoid the paper. Walk away from negative conversations. Make an intention and commitment to yourself to stay suspended. I know you have it in you. 

Now, I have to share one last thing. It's a vision. I see a cliff coming, for myself. It's a longest drop I've ever seen in my life. I can't see the bottom, and it goes straight down. It feels like I'm being sucked into a black hole, down a rabbit hole. But then, I see myself floating on a granite platform. I'm miles above the ground, and I feel a sense of peace, success, and whole-ness within myself. Everything is wonderful within me. 
And NO, I'm not dying. :- ) 

Be excited and hopeful for me. Have no fear. I am nervous-excited. A friend once told me to tell yourself you are excited when you are nervous. It feels about the same. 

All good things come to me, and now, with my energy where it is at, I am attracting a great big shift. :- )

Brian feels this change coming, also. It's nice that he's using his intuition, with me. I just realized yesterday that October 10th is Friday. I feel this 'change' starting tomorrow night. 

I'll write again soon.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Writing a book

Last night I saw a really neat movie called 'October Sky'. It's a story about a high school boy whose passion was building rockets. It took place in the 60's, (I think). He lived in a coal mining town, and that was what everybody did. His dad was the head of it, and wanted very much for him to mine coal for a living as well. His father didn't support what he wanted to do. The boy ended up winning the national science fair, a college scholarship, and building rockets for a living. In the end, his father supported him.

This movie hit home for me because although they support me now, members of my immediate family made fun of my psychic abilities and interests when I lived at home. I wonder if it's a prerequisite to have un-supportive family members to truly succeed in this world? I think you have to listen hard enough to your inner voice, push past what everyone else says is possible, and then do it. 

In all fairness, my immediate and extended family members have shown me spiritual and emotional support over the past year.  That alone proves anything is possible. :- ) It certainly has given me a new perspective; challenging me over the years has only made me stronger. And for that, I am grateful.

After the movie, I channel-surfed and landed on a show (I think it was Brothers and Sisters?) Anyway, one of the actresses mentioned that she 'accidentally' wrote a book about being on the campaign trail with her husband. Apparently, she took notes on her life, and then sent it to a friend of hers, who put the notes into chapters, and made a book. 

I need one of those people!! I have so much good stuff. So much that I don't/can't blog, but could publish.  I have really neat stories about manifesting, premonitions, and more. Too much to blog. I know I saw that show for a reason. There are no accidents.

I want to blog about a nagging premonition. When I 'ask' about if we are to move or stay in this house, I keep seeing OCTOBER 10TH, in bold, in my head. I'm not sure what that is about, but I'm thinking it will make sense on that day. I noticed it's a Friday. 

That's all for this morning. 

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Up's and down's

It's been a busy 3 weeks! Where to start...
Well, I spent around 50 hours preparing for my open house/Reiki sharing. Unfortunately, of the 30 that RSVP'd, 10 showed. And then 8 stayed for the sharing. To say I was disappointed was an understatement. I came home, and layed down, and did Reiki on myself. It was like a lead jacket covered my entire body. I think we gage our survival on previous experiences. Try as I may, I just couldn't recall a time when I felt that broken. Brian came and layed next to me, and also did Reiki on me. He didn't say anything for awhile, and then he said, "You put on a really nice event tonight Lisa. You did a good job.". That seemed to help a little. But it wasn't until about 10:30PM, when I felt a wave of support come to me. It was my friend. I could tell. I confirmed with her the next day. She did, indeed, send me energy at 10:30PM. (She's a Reiki Master, also). What a difference that made. At the time, I was too raw to blog about it. After all, I try to keep these postings positive. But it feels OK to write about it now. So many positive things have happened, since. And no one meant to hurt me by not showing. Everyone who didn't show had a legitimate reason, and they were very apologetic. Those that were there, were supposed to be. As Reiki sharings go, it was terrific. One student even told me later, that it was the best sharing she had ever been to. And she's been to several over the years. So that much was a success.

My insight was that I'm going to host a Reiki sharing that is a costume party. This time, I don't think I'm feeding anyone. It was too expensive, and too stressful. I think it would be better to have a costume contest, and then a Reiki sharing. That's enough. 

Over the past few weeks, I've had fun getting to know the members of the clinic. They seem both intrigued, and inspired by me. It's fun to be in such a place that supports creative thinking. One good thing that came from the open house was my 20 slide keynote presentation. The members of the clinic loved it! We are going to buy monitors and play mine, and others in the waiting rooms as silent advertising. 

Probably the highlight of my past few weeks was my angel helper training. In this special training, I have found 7 extremely dedicated and talented woman, who wish to take their abilities to the next level. This event occurred just 2 days after the open house, so I had plenty of left over food to share. Each of them displayed unique gifts. I felt inspired and healed after this training. It's funny how my life contains such sharp up's and down's.  

My best news is that I have discovered, for lack of a better word, a new power! I was getting my son adjusted by the chiropractor. When he held my fingers, I could feel what he was feeling! My mother calls this being a surrogate energy. WOW. It was awesome. I haven't had time to play with it, but I'd like to have Ian hold an object, and have me blind folded, and see if I can feel it or describe it. This was thrilling to me because I may be able to use this ability to teach my angel helpers how to 'see' energy the way I do. You see, they each interpret energy differently, some of them see it, some of them feel it, and some of them just know it. They are all at different levels. One of them may even be able to do it if she is imagining that she is healing them absentee (distant). I was also able to implant an inspired thought into Brian's head. I had this thought that I wanted him to be inspired about a work idea by the end of the day. I tapped his head with this thought (he allowed me to send energy to him this way). Well, at the end of the day he shared that he had a really neat work idea. It worked! I told him what I had done. We were both inspired. 

That's it. Honest. I always worry I'm going to sound like a nut to my reader. But I think I need to be brave about sharing my new gifts. I think there will be several more of them if I am teach my angel helpers.